Lok'quitü Species in Ogranys | World Anvil
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Lok'quitü (läk-kwit-oo)

A huge, hippo like draconid that is a omnivore, is slow moving most of the time, but can sprint with incredible speed. They prefer to eat Crawling Thornbite as a strange coincidence. A near virulent parasitic plant that grows swiftly. Lok'quitü can sense creatures that have been infected by the crawling thornbite. They make effective beast of burden, for they are large, easy to feed and are even tempered. Lok'quitü are among the few natural terrestrial native life that remains to this day on Orgranys.

Basic Information


Standing six foot at the shoulders, with a length fron 14- 20 feet in length, weighing 4500-6300 lbs. Skin is covered in fine sized scales that overlap.

Genetics and Reproduction

They carry in out a semi-live birth, basically carrying the eggs until they are almost ready to hatch. The eggs after fertilizations are carried for 11 months. the caffs weigh around 40- 60 lbs at birth. Clutches are usually 2-6 caffs that take milk from the mother for several months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Can walk within an hour of birth, stops taking milk within 6 months, and is ready to find a mate within 6 years. Considered fully grown at 10, and is elderly at 70.

Ecology and Habitats

They are relatively mild tempered, maintain a moderate sized family group, and tend to wonder around eating. If attacked with exert any amount of energy to defeat what attacked them and protect any young in the group.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eats anything, prefers Crawling Thornbite, and creatures that have been infected by the sap.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor eye sight suited to targeting stationary objects, incredible sense of smell capable of tracking smells out to 3 miles downwind. average hearing.
Conservation Status
Used as a domestic beast of burden, not eaten due to its preferred sustenance, because of the superstition that a creature that can safely eat something like the Crawling Thornbite could not possibly be eatable.

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