The Hammer of Kings Item in Nosirend | World Anvil
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The Hammer of Kings

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The weapon is impossible to lift, unless a trueborn heir to the throne wields, becoming light as a feather in their hands, yet hits like a steam train when swung. This is due to the magic the binds the weapon to the line of Torland's kings, yet even illegitimate children can wield the hammer--as proven by the rebellion of King Alan's bastard son Stanley Golfiel.

Manufacturing process

The Great Smiths forged the weapon using an ancient smelting process to produce dwarven steel, but they also fused it with the blood of King Richard, so that only men of his line can wield the hammer. But in order for this enchantment to work, they also invoked Bragis, god of the forge, and Huronis, god of familial ties, and during the forging process the smiths would chant and dance around the smith working on the weapon.


This weapon was used by Torland's first king, Richard Von Alterbury, in the uprising against the last elven kingdom, and is passed down from generation to generation when a new king is crowned; and since the weapon is connected to the line of kings, it is as a test to see if the heir to the throne is a trueborn son.
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This is the only weapon of it's kind, and most attempts to recreate have been deemed blasphemy, and the "hammer forgers" were beheaded--or crushed--before finishing their work. This hasn't stopped outside of territories once under control of Torland, or the colonies, though so far these replicas have proven to be pitiful imitations.
200 lbs
Raw materials & Components
The hammer is made from dwarven metal, and mixed with the blood of King Richard.
A forge is the obvious required, but given the size of the weapon a regular anvil couldn't seat it, thus the forgers had to make one large enough to be able to temper the metal.

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