Madalmaa Plains Geographic Location in Necromantic Aspirations | World Anvil
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Madalmaa Plains

Two thousand years ago, an explosion of magic shattered most of the landmasses of the northern hemisphere into fractured islands.   This ain't about that though.   This is about what happened when the magically charged fallout that drifted south and eventually settled in the area that would eventually become known as the Madalmaa Plains.


While it is called the "plains" only a very small section of the southeastern part of the region, that which is adjacent to the Aeban desert, might be considered as such. In truth, traveling west through Madalmaa gives way to rolling, hilly areas; deep forests on the interior of the continent; moors and swamplands in the south; and dense jungle on the peninsulas which jut out into the ocean to the west.

Fauna & Flora

Unlike elsewhere in the world almost every creature in this region has at least a small magical charge to it. While this makes all animal and plant materiel extremely useful to those capable of using magic, it also makes the lands much more dangerous to humans wishing to inhabit the lands or exploit the resources available there.


While once inhabited during the ancient empire's reign, the near destruction of the world left citizens of the area cut off from technological and magical support. Of those not killed in the initial magical blast, many more would die soon after from the heavy fallout that settled across the region. Over the centuries, remaining humans settled into small farming communities and villages. The harshness of the terrain assured that no larger civilizations formed.   Humanity aside, the land itself was also transformed by the heavy magical energies settling in the area. More nature spirits manifested here than before. Plants and even rocks and minerals became charged   During the rise of the Empire of Galdor, mages became aware of the value of materiel that could be found to the west, and expeditions were taken into the lands to exploit the resources found there. It was during this time that the whole area was named Madalmaa, after the leader of an expedition there.   The empire still claims ownership of the area, though none of the natives of the area consider themselves to be Galdorian. There have been numerous conflicts in attempt to push Galdorian settlements out, though the empire is stronger both technologically and magically, so very few have been successful.   Exploitation of the resources reached a peak approximately 100 years ago, but has slowed since then since Mage Consortiums have implemented conservation efforts so as not to bleed the land dry completely.
Alternative Name(s)
Western lands
Owning Organization

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