The Amber Army Organization in Mythador | World Anvil
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The Amber Army

As cloaks of the Amber Army, you will be able to see the world, learn important skills, and, most importantly, help and protect the people of this great nation. You have a responsibility to protect those who are weaker than you, and unable to stand up for themselves. It is a great privilege, and a duty that can lead to a life of fulfillment and gratitude. 
  • Commander Rutkins to new recruits
  • Structure

    Heralds - Greater than Generals, champions of the Amber Army and of the people of Ardent. Are not attached to any one group of soldiers, but move around where they are needed. They technically outrank Generals, but will usually defer to them as a matter of courtesy.   Generals - In charge of large groups of soldiers, outranking everyone except Heralds, and even they will usually listen to the Generals as a matter of courtesy.   Commanders - Lower than Generals, in charge of battalions based in cities and towns.   Captain - In charge of squads of ten soldiers   Cloaks - Low-ranked foot soldiers

    Public Agenda

    To protect Ardent from enemies both from without and from within. To keep the peace in Ardent and to protect its citizens from dangers of all kinds.


    Troops, guardhouses and armories in each city, fortresses on the borders of Ardent, horses, and armor for all its members.


    The Amber Army was founded shortly after the creation of Ardent as a country proper. They were originally tasked with defending Ardent against any possible military advances from its sibling country, but moved to more of a general peacekeeping force after years of nonaggression. They now act more like a local police force than a military organization, but they are still technically the main military force in Ardent, available to be called upon in case of war or terror.

    To Serve and Protect

    Founding Date
    Military, Army
    Alternative Names
    Peacekeepers, Amberplates
    Training Level
    Parent Organization

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