Order of Light Organization in Mythador | World Anvil
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Order of Light

The official religion of the crown focused on the illumination of darkness, whether mental or spiritual. Members of the order are known for their wisdom, their knowledge, and their love for all living beings.


High Flame: the High priest, the leader of the order   Beacon: Leaders of the order, directly under the High Flame   Master Illuminator: Fully inducted members of the order, broken up into subclasses based on their specialties   Bright Spark: the equivalent of a squire   Small Spark: the equivalent of a page

Public Agenda

To bring light and illumination to the darkness. To eradicate darkness in spirit by cultivating healthy spiritual habits. To eradicate darkness in knowledge by pursuing knowledge in all forms. To destroy the darkness in society by loving and caring for all people.


Large libraries and research buildings in larger or more central locations, temples in almost every town and village.


Followers of the light have been around for as long as history itself, though there was a time when serious devotees were few. It has recently risen to prominence after King Theod's father, King Edward, awarded his friend, Ardghal, with the funds to build a temple in their capital. With the official support of the crown, the Order of Light began to grow and shape itself into the form seen today.

Cosmological Views

Long ago, before time began, the One made of Light created the world from his own thoughts, shaping and molding it with his own hands into a place of beauty and life. The elemental and wild spirits, created from the spark of his heart, were sent down to govern and guard the land, and each was given control over some portion of creation. These spirits, though able to do whatever they desire, govern their charges with rules which can be discerned and studied. Unless a spirit is present and trying to communicate, or, in the case of more playful ones, play, these rules will always be in effect and can be directly observed and understood. In the beginning, nothing was inherently evil, but the spirit in charge of darkness, originally intended to allow rest and sleep, began to be unhappy with the choices made by the new creatures in this world. He did not like their wanton use of his brethren's children, and thought that it would be better if they were all ruled with an iron grip. Thus, this spirit, and those who he swayed to his side, began to wage war on the inhabitants of this world, and it is from he that all evils and sorrows come. It was at this point that the One made of Light sent faithful spirits to his creations, to teach them the ways of the light, and to allow them to resist the influence of the Dark Spirit.

Tenets of Faith

Follow the light, and resist the darkness.   Do only good unto others, and do not repay evil with evil.   Fear breeds anger and darkness; Understanding brings peace and light.   Forgiveness will always be granted to those who are penitent of heart   Protect others against the gathering dark, and bring them into the safety of the light.   Others cannot be forced into the light, but can be guided and led of their own accord.   Stand firm against the darkness, do not give in to fear and doubt, and the One made of Light will protect and guide you home.


Members of the Order are not allowed strong drink, are not supposed to swear, and are expected to be courteous and respectful of all. Actions of love and offers of assistance to those who need it are considered holy acts, as is the study of the world. Choosing an area to specialize in is an act of much devotion and prayer, and is never taken lightly. The giving of advice is encouraged and expected, but though one is expected to guide the recipient away from a dark path, the advice is always free to be ignored if so desired. Though warrior members are few and far between, they have been known to exist, and are only supposed to kill those who are thoroughly lost to evil. All those who have hope of redemption, no matter how slim, are only supposed to stopped, preferably without serious harm.


Members of the order worship with daily prayer and meditation, usually at the beginning and end of each day, and often sometime in the middle as well. These meditations are accompanied by lighting of candles and singing of hymns to the One made of Light. Flames are kept burning daily in every temple and library, and the tending of these holy flames is a most pious and honored act. Every Lightday, temples host services for the common folk, where the Illuminators will minister to their needs and offer up their wisdom and support. Each day usually involves some form of kind acts and missions to the communities around them as well.


The high flame wears a white robe, with golden trim and fringes on the sleeves, belt, and hem. They are located at the great temple in Mistport, and guide the Order with meditation and prayer. They are in charge of important sacrifices and the personal guide of the royal family.   Beacons wear white robes with silver linings and trim. They are located at major libraries and temples throughout the realm. They are second only in authority to the High Flame, and will often attend meetings and rituals in the great temple of Mistport.   Master Illuminators wear grey robes, with silver accents denoting which branch of study is their specialty. They are located in every temple and library across the country. They are in charge of ministering to local populations and overseeing the sacrifices and rituals of their province.   Bright Sparks are adult converts who have dedicated their lives to the Order. They are denoted by plain grey robes and cropped short hair. They are tasked with assisting the Master Illuminators and studying their chosen subjects under their appointed master. Some are allowed to assist in rituals and ceremonies.   Small Sparks are children, often of wealthy or poor families in the area who are denoted by their light grey tunics and bare feet. They are tasked with doing chores around the temples and libraries. They are sent by their parents for instruction in both religion and science, and are not exactly members of the order, though many eventual converts were first exposed in this manner. They assist with certain aspects of the Lightday services.

Granted Divine Powers

Some claim the Master Illuminators hold unnatural abilities, but they are only graced with knowledge of the world's inner workings through much study, observation, and experimentation. There are legends and folktales of members who were able to call upon divine assistance in times of darkness and doubt.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Though not given any overt political position, the High Flame is in close contact with the King and his family, and will offer his assistance and advice when asked for it. It depends on the King, but their advice is usually respected and is never thrown aside lightly.

Bring Light to the Darkness

Founding Date
Official charter drawn up in 1862
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Light-bearers, Lanterns
Parent Organization

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