The Flicker Organization in Misremembered Realms | World Anvil

The Flicker

An old organization, about which little is known. Many think of them as something akin to a faerie tale, more myth than reality. Even those who believe they exist and are active in the world and see the effects they've had throughout the realms are don't know for sure if what they've seen are really from such an organization, or people using the name to shift the blame for something, or to hide their own actions. While that is doubtlessly true, they do in fact exist. They operate in secret, and are sometimes blamed for any number of deeds when the perpetrator is unknown. This type of claim is frequent enough, though seldom believed. It lives on mostly due to the love many have for stories and gossip.
They are an ancient organization whose origins have been lost to time with the possible exception of their own members. From time to time they appear and with a whisper into the right ear, a bribe, an intercepted message, or a theft, they influence events in support of whatever goals they have and then fade away once more. To this point, only they know what their goals are, if any. They don't seem to seek power or wealth as many do, and they don't seem aligned with or against any particular organizations as far as anyone has been able to tell.


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That when they were first formed, they were not a secret organization is not well known, and they went by a different name. The area at the time was chaotic with one with frequent conflict. They spread throughout the region until they were present in every kingdom and power center in the known world, ostensibly to bring peace and stability. Indeed, more often than not they helped to ease tensions and avert conflict that would have otherwise arisen. Over time they convinced rulers of the advantages of peace, ease of trade, and more rapid communication. With time they only improved at this task as they developed a robust information network and were able to use their knowledge to their advantage. They pushed for, and are largely responsible for the system of roads and trade routes that sprang up at the time. Some have been lost to time and erosion, but the building of almost all of the major roads in use today were to some degree, due to their influence.
At some point something changed, and they faded away into the background and are no longer seen working publicly. The organization now appears to have little resemblance to their initial incarnation except that their reasons and intentions are still a mystery. The results of their work are still felt throughout the realms, however, for those who know to look.

Until we wake

Secret, Brotherhood


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