Song of the Lost Geographic Location in Miria | World Anvil
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Song of the Lost

Songs of the Bitersweet.


A Traveling Historian's Notes

A city of mountainous rock once stood here where a people thrived before the land was turned to waste. A path what might have been water used to flow through here, more like a stream than a river. In fact,there are more stream pathways surrounding this once great and fortified city. Now all dried up to nothing but dust along its way. As far as the eye can see, there are no trees either... what a waste of land.   Yet, I see animal tracks. Perhaps looking for food or shelter...?

Localized Phenomena

Crystal Records - Traveling Historian: Archive
Sometimes I can hear what seems like... a song. Faint, but it's there. Something sorrowful, but once beautiful, I think. Anyway, I don't want to listen too much since testimonies say if you listen long enough, you will start... seeing things.

Natural Resources

Adamantine, a rock known for its amazing durability and strength.


Crystal Memoir
This Ancient people known as the Lashir, a spirit-filled people of song, once thrived in the kingdom of Adaman. A great city fortified by mountainous rock and stone. Homes carved into; tunnels which they called Halls connected to other mountains and a great wall surrounding them. Adamane, their Mother Tree, in their midst. Their surroundings had steady streams of water, which now lay empty as hollow veins. There were not many trees, but there was a Mother Tree here which either drank up the streams, or had given the people its nurishment as Mother Trees usually do. It is not certain what happened to the Mother Tree of Adaman.   The crystal memoir ends its spirit magic transparent image conveyor, also known as TIC.


Not known for tourism, but for its curios phenomena, or other nefarious and insidious agendas. Sometimes bodies are found in this area by inquisitive folk. Explorers are more often told to be wary and mindful of their surroundings, if they do decide to venture the inhospitable part of this realm. Some rubble still have etched into them the Ancient Symbols.
Alternative Name(s)
Bed Rock
Mountain Range

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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