Sanctuary of Healing Building / Landmark in Miria | World Anvil
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Sanctuary of Healing

Purpose / Function

This is a multipurpose mansion, large and spacious enough for a number of people - and thanks to spirit magic, the inside is even larger than it seems from looking at it from the outside. Purposes are as follows:
  • Healing of the Body
  • Healing of the Mind
  • Healing of the Soul


Main Building

In the beginning there was just this main building for the three conditions all people eventually suffer. Due to population growth the need to add more bulding became a necessary advancement. This has now become the main floor where people may have a quick walk-in relaxation. This is also where one can make appointments for staying a certain period of time.  

Rear Building

What ails the body can be diagnosed here as well as minor afflictions. Anything serious the patient will be immediately sent to a hospital.  

Left Wing

Here the mind can take a break from reality, whether that means a quiet place to read, venture into nature without having to actually set foot into the forest - be worry free! And also a place to just listen and allow the mind to be creative where it might not be able to in other locations.  

Right Wing

Food for the soul is for the seekers and believers. A place to share between like-minded people and become mindfully strengthened and attain uplifted spirits.


This mansion consists of one main building, one left wing structure, right wing and rear structure. The two wings were designed to resemble wings of a dove. The rear arcitechture faces sideways from the main building, and if one were to look at it from a bird's eye view the whole structure looks like a bird. The skeleton of this building is made from strong wood while the outer extierior is stone, fortifying as a whole. The interior is well designed and pleasing to the eye as greenery and water fountains and pools can be found.


Due to it's rare art form for a building it has caught the attention of many around the world. While many elitists try to bribe and barter their way to making it a vacation getaway, or even just a home, the owners have refused out of goodwill for the sick and needy. However, for one month out of the year they have agreed to allow tourism.
Hospitality, Resort

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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Jul 9, 2021 13:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the idea that the building is in the shape of a dove. The left wing sounds so peaceful.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Jul 9, 2021 13:37 by Eliora Yona

Thanks :D