Leviathin's Tear Settlement in Miria | World Anvil
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Leviathin's Tear

Tear of Repentance


Leviathin's Tear is in the Meinland jurisdicion. It is governed by the LAE (Long Arms Enforcement) and its laws by the King. This town is the only one in the outskirts of Meinland's Mother Tree, and so need military protection from the abominations that spawn.


Their only defence is from the surrounding mountains and help from the government's LAE. However, there have been high ranked Sojourners traveling through their settlement and help against threats to livelyhood as well.

Industry & Trade

Due to the mountains in this area taking the shape of an eye, in which, a small civilization inhabits. Stone engravers, iron workers and fish catchers can be found here. A rather small mine for gems, but it is not sustainable alone. Gem workers are very few for this reason.  


Most of their business comes from iron and fish. Stone works are mainly used for art or architecture.  


For their fish and iron they are able to gain wood and grain.


In times of eld, there used to be a King that lived and ruled over the people. As seasons passed the King became more and more aggressive in his reign and began oppressing his people. The Bright One saw what he had done and called him Leviathin. Although the King did not live rightly among his people, he did pass away with a cleared conscience, and so the placed was renamed to Leviathin's Tear to comemorate his repentance.


To leave some room for grain farmers, the houses are built into the mountains. The fishermen make a short trek just outside of the town where the lake is located.


The town is surrounded by mountains and a rather large lake is located just outside of it. There is a pathway connecting to the main road to get to the Kingdom of Meinland.

Natural Resources

  • Iron
  • Fish
  • Gems
  • Grain
  • Wood

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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