Eliora's WorldEmber Pledge of 2022 in Miria | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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Eliora's WorldEmber Pledge of 2022


Week One: Announcing The Plan!

If you have more than one world setting, which one is the most important to you right now? Why?
Which area of that world setting will allow you to achieve your goals (Continuing your novel/campaign, or starting a new one?).
How will it help you achieve those goals?
WorldAnvil's 3 Questions

World Setting

For now I want to concentrate on the Light vs Dark aspect since that is part of the plot. I have a tendancy to forget why I'm writing about a certain place and focus too much on building it up. I will be writing about two continents in Meinland in Mirira. How they reflect both light and dark, why and how this affects the two continents that share Meinland.

Goals To Achieve

I will be continuing to worldbuild for my novel. For a long time I have been struggling to know where my characters are from, where they begin, and so I put off writing for a good while. Writing is all a learning process.

The How

I have reworked Miria's World Meta and since doing so, it has renewed my perspective and inspired me to continue on this world.


Week Two: Mini-Meta

Scope & Theme: Two Continents

I have the names in mind of where my two main protagonists are from. Focusing on the Light and Dark of each kingdom city. One kingdom is a husband to his queen city, yet the two continents sit separated, except for a bridge connecting the two. I'm thinking there is a bit of history and/or tales about that.


I may or may not use white boards, but we shall see. I may also do up some sketches of these kingdom cities and where they are on the map. For now, To Be Placed (TBP).


Week Three: Catagories and Tags!


  • Deleted some unnecessary catagories.


  • Created tags for novel writing and typed them in the Notebook.


Week Four: Artifying Articles

I hope to do some sketching and give readers an idea of what some places might look like. I'm pretty timid when it comes to anything artistic, but I will do my best. Sorry, no images yet. I want to save space for the sketches. However, I have already incorporated a new look for my covers for the theme of my book(s).
Thank you for skimming through!

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Dec 26, 2022 10:04 by TJ Trewin

Checking in before the end of the year! How's your goal progress coming along? :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Jan 3, 2023 04:19 by Eliora Yona

It was crap, lol! I did really well in the beginning, but fell off because I was just too busy this year. Hope yours was better!