Brume Quag Geographic Location in Mennara | World Anvil
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Brume Quag

Brume Quag is a legendarily dangerous part of the Blackwing Swamp. All the local folk in Tamalir know to avoid the Blackwing Swamp, but those who must brave it's depths really know to avoid Brume Quag. For those who have had to leave their companions to the Reaper Brume tell a tale of being enchanted, though a story often costs a meal to dredge up those memories. And of those who have seen the edge of Brume Quag, none ever enter the entire Blackwing Swamp again. None except Anderlug Longlegs...


Brume Quag is a specific part of the Blackwing Swamp where strange happenings make death and disappearances all but a guarantee. The Swamp continues to dip down into a particularly deep depression and that is where we find Brume Quag. The water is significantly higher here, roughly 3 feet in depth. Around the edge of what is purported to be the Quag is a rope, though a physically upsetting odor intensifies as much as fifty feet even beyond that. Aside from the rope, there is a sickly yellowish band that runs the entire perimeter of the Quag. It manifests as a chaulky substance on the few pieces of earth that jut from the inky surface, or as an oily sheen on top of the swamp water.   There are no large vegetation at this point in the swamp, no tree breaks the surface. Instead there are massive patches of rushes, sticking another ten feet beyond the waterline. The water itself is just as black and mirrored as the rest of the swamp. The floor of the Quag is treacherous, the ground gives unevenly and with little resistance, and on occasion your foot finds an irregular solid covered by the murk in years gone by.

Localized Phenomena

Being in the Brume Quag is critically dangerous for any amount of time at all. Fainting has been witnessed immediately and falling in the muck is a sure fire way to lose yourself forever. For those that have returned they tell stories of dark creatures rushing at the corners of their vision and tearing at their garb. A strange rushing of fluid fills ones ears and drives them to the point of madness. And spontaneous fireballs are not uncommon, particularly under a new moon.
Alternative Name(s)
Reaper Brume, The Dreamy Whirlpool
Wetland / Swamp
Location under

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