House Sh'einre in Lost Waves
World under revision! This world was originally written purely as a Dugeons and DragonsĀ® setting. It is (slowly) being rewritten to be system agnostic When things don't seem to work togewther, this is likely why.
The Sh'areen Caliphate is old and relies heavily on tradition. Those who control it and its Principalities have controlled their titles for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Nobility in other parts of the world might consider itself established after a title has passed through the linage for two or three centuries. Here, you'd be considered an upstart new-comer still.   With the noble families being as old as they are, they are tied together in a very intricate web of politics and intrigue. Some of this has even left strange ideas and artefacts behind. Few know why the small marble statue of a cat owned by House Parathioni is expected to have a specific kind of flower planted next to it. Few even know that this is a thing that exists, and if they did, they wouldn't care. But that cat was once a symbolic gift from House Nyelandir when they had successfully changed a noble from House Redhok to marry into House Leenet instead of Chorlonni. But if you fail to keep a flower there, it is said that all good that came from that union will come undone.   This is another trait of the nobility here: traditions are everything. It may or may not be true about the flower next to the statue. You may or may not believe in the story. But no matter what, a noble will act as if it was true. Because that's the way it has been and thus how it should be. Step away from traditions and you risk the stability of all that is connected to those traditions: the noble houses, the people they watch over, the kindness of the gods, and more. It is irresponsible and the height of hubris to think that your individual ideas and opinions are worth more than the transitions of your house.

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Brief overviews

  These are some of the noble houses more relevant to stories told.

The Chorlonni family

A minor noble house that used to be influential, but first lost most of its resources and had to sell off almost all land, ad then has mostly recovered as a trading house. They reside within Jolethai but own land both within Seelon Principality and south of it.  

Clan Erebas

Dwarf clan who controls Kar Dulehun in the Silvar Mountains. They have representation in various dwarfholds under the Sa'ar Desert, but it is at Dulehun where they rule. They are known as crafty and ready to do whatever it takes.  

House Nyelandir

Elven noble house seated in the Silvar Canyon in northern Seelon Principality. They are known for providing everything of high quality as well as being good at staying out of any conflict. Some see them as masters of diplomacy, others as cowardly.  

House Parathioni

Elven noble house with possible ancient ties to the Feywild. They are sometimes seen as unreliable, but as able to pull through when no-one else would. Parathioni Principality is known for its wide variety in flora and fauna, as well as minerals.  

House Rasheed

They have been on the wrong side of every revolt and rebellion against the Caliphate, struggling to regain their kingdom. But they have never been a threat enough to be wiped out. Instead, they are in charge of a Principality that is littered with dangerous natural phenomena, strange monsters, and a harsh people.  

House Seelon

One of the oldest noble houses, tied in with the traditions and politics of so many others. They might have been defeated a few times, but they have always had enough political capital to pull themselves back. Right now, there is a division between those who feel that their connection to the Caliphate must be made stronger and those who want to be more independent. The former point to this being how the House has held power before, the latter includes the very clever Qel'tath.
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