Playable Races in Lost Waves | World Anvil

Playable Races

Race Description
Catian Humanoid/feline shape-shifters.
Drakona Drakona are shaped like the dragons they are linked to. This includes breath-weapons and attachment to their element. However, they lack wings and tail.
Elf Ancient beings full of grace and an understanding of the world at a deeper level. Different subraces are highly adapted to various environments. For instance, sand elves can easily deal with the heat of the desert.
Dwarf Short and stout, dwarves are usually most at home underground but can be found anywhere. Their dense musculature makes them resiliant and able to handle a lot of physical strain.
El'isan Humanoids with cat features such as triangular ears and furry tails. Some of them have fur growing on varying amounts of their body beyond where humans would have hair.
Firbolg Large and lumbering, firbolgs have a deep sense of harmony with the world and often seek out homes away from stress.
Halfling Usually friendly and welcoming, halflings have a tendency to end up in a good place even despite bad odds.
Human The most prominent race in the world due to their adaptability and tendency to have joined all sides of any conflict. This also makes them the ones that no one else minds talking to for the most part.
Daemon Horned, devil-like people with an infernal heritage. But they don't actually have any tendencies towards evil, despite their origin.


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