Order of the Lunar Eclipse Organization in Lost Waves | World Anvil
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Order of the Lunar Eclipse

For many members of the order, the beast within is a literal beast or a monster of some kind. They are werecreatures or others struggling with afflictions that threaten to take over. In some cases, they are just the people strong enough to deal with the monsters the others harbour.   Self-control is at the core of the teachings of the order. But also being able to use the strengths of the things within. This has resulted in several blood hunters starting their career here. Various mystics and monks who suffer from these types of issues or are dedicated to treating them are also common members. In fact, there are some cleric , specifically those serving Selûne or Mystra who take this treatment very seriously and join the order.


Most monasteries are their own, bound together by a unified ethos rather than a larger organisation. Those who take on the name without adhering to these tenets will find themselves with some rather powerful enemies.

Public Agenda

While the stated goals of the Order are to keep any otherworldly forces in check, most of the public is scared of what many members are. Sometimes rightfully so. There has been more than one occasion when matters have gotten out of hand. Still, when someone is struck with a supernatural affliction, they often seek the Lunar Eclipse out for safety and hope of living a life at all.
Founding Date
15th century SR
Religious, Monastic Order


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