Order of Light and Shadow Organization in Lost Waves | World Anvil
World under revision! This world was originally written purely as a Dugeons and DragonsĀ® setting. It is (slowly) being rewritten to be system agnostic When things don't seem to work togewther, this is likely why.

Order of Light and Shadow

This monastic order believes that truth and power lie in the balance of light and darkness. Some of them seek the bright desert sun to expose all around them, while others see survival and hidden secrets in the shadows cast. The balance of twilight allows for deeper insights. Light, Twilight, and Shadow also become the three main branches of the order, but they are all focused on the same goals.   Those who are disciples of the Light ore often monks or mystics who focus on either elemental energies or seeking truth. Those focused on Twilight are more determined to find inner truths and might also include scholars of other kinds, such as wizards. Those of Shadow are usually adept at moving through hidden parts of the world. This has even attracted some rogues along with the more common monks and mystics of the Order.  


Monasteries are typically located a bit of a distance away from major cities and towns to get the full effect of sunlight and shadow. Surprisingly few of them have fallen over time, and those who have are generally avoided as they are assumed to be haunted.   The architecture is often built with extreme proportions that let in plenty of light, while many pillars everywhere create shade. Even individual chambres typically allows for both light and dark. The whole building is built into a crevasse or mountain-side when possible.


The Order as a whole is still governed by the original three founders who have gone from each studying and representing one aspect of the Order to now fully incorporating all three. They coordinate the otherwise mostly independent chapters of the order that are spread out across Alhowath (with most of them in the Sa'ar Desert).

Public Agenda

Many are wary of the Order, as they are as likely to shine a light on a truth some would prefer hidden, as to hide their true intentions. But their wisdom is respected, and as is their power.


The Order was created as a direct response to the Sunrise, in order to understand the calamity and learn from it. That way, the founders figured, they would be able to deal with similar threats in the future.

Truth in Light, Truth in Shadow

Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order


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