Mechanus Geographic Location in Lost Waves | World Anvil
World under revision! This world was originally written purely as a Dugeons and Dragons® setting. It is (slowly) being rewritten to be system agnostic When things don't seem to work togewther, this is likely why.


The outer planes are pushed outwards from the centre where the Material plane exists ever since the creation of SelĂ»ne and Shar made it possible for anything by frozen static to exist. And while the goddesses pull parts of the world in the directions that form the positive and negative energy planes, the chaotic disorder that was at the beginning is pushed in another direction while the immutable logic the held it in stasis gets concentrated towards the other end. Mechanus is the plane that is where order and structure are strongest, and where chaos is as far away as possible.   The entire realm is constructed like giant cogs and other pieces of a machine. Every part gets equal amount day and night, warm and cold, wet and dry. All of it is regulated as lights, clouds, and other things are moved by the wheels and regulators that dictate their movement. Nothing here is unpredictable.   At the centre of Mechanus sits Primus, the ruler of the plane and the king of the Modrons, the most common form of inhabitant on the plane. There are other settlements, but very few find it pleasant with a home so devoid of individual creativity. Mechanus exists because Mechanus exists.   There are several portals between Mechanus and the Astral Plane, and some to other planes as well. From inside Mechanus, it is straightforward to understand one of them will open as it is simply when the wheel with the portal intersects with the wheel of the entrence. From the outside, it can feel infuriatingly slow to figure out which portal will open when.
Dimensional plane
Location under
Characters in Location


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