Krenide culture


Possibly one of the strangest culture for outsiders to understand, the population of Krenid feels defined by a curse on their lands. When the Wizard Trea'stal collected a thousad souls in order to steal the power of the Raven Queen, everything fell apart. The goddess realised what the mortal was doing and managed to wrestle control in her favour. As punishment, those living in the lands that had supported Tae'stal are no longer able to reach the release of death unless they prove themselves to the Raven.   To some who have never lived in Krenid, this might seem like a blessing. It isn't. The people never truly feel alive and once they should have passed on, they are in agony. This has resulted in people that spend a lot of its time suffering since not even death is a way out. Of course, many have simply left, leaving only those who are able to handle the darkness. True Krenide take a kind of pride in their curse. They feel that those who can treat life as casually as others are just shallow. Death is something to be worthy of, and around the world, others are treating it like it's something that ruins the fun.   Before the curse, the area of Krenid was a strong military hub with a large fleet. The people had a reputation for thinking the ends justified the means, but they were still accepted. The curse changed the perception, but the sense that the strong deserve to rule still remains. This is why they have accepted the Veiled Ladies as leaders.


Common Dress code

Signs of mourning borrowed from various churches and regions are common here. This often means wearing all black with a few mementoes. There are several reasons for this. First of all, it is an attempt to appease the Raven Queen that has become part of the cultural identity. Bit it is also a sign of respect towards those members of society who should have moved on but haven't. It shows pride in what the person was as well as a sign that they should be worthy of moving on.

Art & Architecture

Even regular houses tend to be built imposing stone structures in order with gothic arches reaching to the ceiling. Important families will incorporate statues of relatives into the facade. Public spaces are often small and rarely used.   Despite what one might expect, the Krenide are known for their beautiful art. They capture the beauty of both life and death with a haunting longing. This is such a big part of the cultural identity that most individuals have picked up at least some skill.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Celebrating the death of friends and family members is more important than celebrating their birth. And it is actually one of the more uplifting ceremonies, celebrated by a large crowd in the name of the Raven Queen. The goal is to give the soul something good to care about and wishing them luck on their path to move on. This is known as the Memor Nekrd.   The only really major holiday celebrated on a large scale is Eventide, celebrated during the autumn equinox. Despite the culture following the common calendar, which changes year at Midwinter, this is treated more like a new year's celebration.

Major organizations

The culture is mostly synonymous with Krenid.
The Church of the Raven Queen has a special branch within the culture.
Related Organizations


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