Arcane classes introduction in Lost Waves | World Anvil

Arcane classes introduction

The Weave permeates almost all of the world - including all planes. Sometimes it becomes thicker in the form of a Magic Nexus, sometimes it's weaker and creating a Magic Void, but it is what arcane spellcasters use to form spells.  

Magic Theory

There are two basic kinds of magic: divine, which uses the power of a deity, primordial, or nature itself; and arcane, which uses the weave. While the former typically relies on prayer and signs of reverence, the arcane relies on physical or spoken attempts to create reverbrations in the weave - sometimes aided by material components. This means anyone could theoretically access it, but it's not an easy task and requires a lot of talent along with skill. This means both that there are fairly few who truly master this craft, and that the ones who do often reach very important positions in society.
Bardic Organisations
The Ruby Conservatory
Organizations of Arcane Studies
Academia Arcanum
Stellaris Academy


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