The Vinery Building / Landmark in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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The Vinery

It's rewarding to share the amazing tastes of the valley with travelers, but sometimes it's even better to share a glass of wine with someone who can smell home in the bouquet.
— Zina Rambe
  The Vinery is a tasting room and bistro located in Hessen. It is a common gathering spot for locals as well as tourists looking to get a taste of the wine and spirits made in the valley.  

Community Initiative

In 1037, the Hessen Community Center underwent extensive renovations. As a part of the renovations, the town council was looking for a way to connect the historical exhibits housed at the center with the current state of the booming local wine industry. The idea for a tasting room featuring wines from local wineries was met with wide support from the community. The idea was especially popular with many wineries in the area which agreed to supply the tasting room with a small number of bottles at no charge, allowing for all proceeds from sales to go back to the community. An annex was built to house the tasting room, which would be called The Vinery.   Over the years, the tasting room grew in popularity and in 1123 the annex was further expanded to allow for more seating as well as a proper kitchen. Most of the larger wineries as well as some of the local food producers continue to provide a limited supply of their products to The Vinery at no charge or at a steep discount. Proceeds from sales go toward upkeep of the community center as well as other community projects.  

The Annex

The Vinery can be accessed through the entryway to the community center or by the separate entrance from the street. Skylights and floor-to-ceiling windows flood the space with natural light, making one feel as if they are in a garden with all of the greenery around the space. There are round tables for those wanting to dine, whether inside or on the patio, and comfortable seating for those who just want to enjoy a glass of wine and relax. Behind the bar is the storeroom and kitchen.  
The Vinery Base Map Image


The clientele of The Vinery is a mix of tourists and locals.   With its proximity to the town center and connection to the town's historical exhibits, tourists often find their way to the bistro for the chance to sample wine from around the valley without making the trek to the tasting rooms of the wineries located a distance from town. The staff, especially manager Zina Rambe, is always willing to provide recommendations for what to try and where to go during a stay in Hessen.   To locals, The Vinery is known for its novelty. While not the go-to place in town to eat, many make an effort to patronize the bistro to support the community and some just enjoy the atmosphere, curling up in an armchair with a book and a glass of wine.


In the early days, the offerings of The Vinery were limited to a selection of local wines and simple snacks such as crackers, nuts, and fruit.

As some wineries diversified their operations to include brewing and distilling, different types of spirits began to be offered. In recent years a rotating specialty cocktail menul has been introduced.

With the addition of the kitchen, a small food menu was introduced. The food menu rotates with the seasons and features recipes developed by local escasceanes, some of whom may donate their talents in the kitchen for special events.
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Town of Hessen
Managed By
Zina Rambe

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Cover image: untitled by Thom Bradley

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