The Servitors of Wexmadios Galaxy Species in Lapix Delta 9 | World Anvil
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The Servitors of Wexmadios Galaxy

The one thing that still baffles Ezra to this day is the lack of true subjugation of a sentient species to the toils of labor and working. At least, not in the way it was on Earth.

Instead, “working animals” are synthetic, vaguely beast-like automatons that no one that they’ve talked to knows about the origins of their existence. They’re simply known as the Servitors. As long as you’re respective of their duties, you can ask them to do pretty much anything as long as you have something to give them in return.

If Ezra had to put an Earth-like equivalent to their existence, they would think of the Fae of the old country tales. Yet, despite their inherent utility in a galaxy filled with vagabonds, skirmishes, and domestic needs, the general populace hardly uses them past saying a quick greeting before ignoring their existence altogether.

Something about respecting the Old Ones and their designs.

However, Ezra has no such scruples with using all resources available.

The Servitors are a critical part of their information network and have time and time again proven to be handy to have an alliance with, be it evidence gathering or getting out of sticky situations.

These Servitors can come in a variety of different beast-like visages. Lions as tall as buildings, bears the size of trams, sharks big as space ships, snakes the size of a country, to the size of domestic cats. Some beasts being a combination of gaseous and organic with vague eyes that can see everything.

The last one introduced themselves to Ezra as Kxioiplivt and was the first Servitor that Ezra met and they stuck around.

Ezra finds it easier to call them K.T., which they obliged was probably easier on the organic lingual centers.

Servitors, while rarely tell lies, can lie if they don’t like you.

There’s still more that Ezra is learning about them, but for now, they are good allies to have in the life of a failed vampire’s PI life.

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