Firebreak Command Settlement in Lambda Sector | World Anvil
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Firebreak Command


60% are commissioned crewmembers of the paramilitary branch of Firebreak. This covers all the combat, maintence, and technical roles aboard the station. 25% are contracted research and medical staff, inhabitants of the most secure portions of the station. 5% are administrative staff, running business portion of the business.


Below the shareholders and those obligated to shareholders, Firebreak Command operates like a military base. A strict hierarchy exists that allows for orders to propagate from top to bottom quickly while also letting individual teams operate independently.  The enlistment contracts also give a ridged scope of responsibilities required and freedoms given, and violations of these terms by either party is mediated by a robustly unbaised HR department. These combine to make the operation a surprising orderly system.


The station is by no meas self-sufficient, requiring regular deliveries of violatiles, foodstuffs, and equipment. They are capable of performing maintenance on the defense fleet but major repairs or overhauls are outsourced to nearby shipyards. What it does have is a reactor capable of powering a station twice its size, and some of the most powerful sensor equipment in the sector.


In the days following the outbreak of Cloud Madness, a group of vectors managed to slip through the then incomplete blockade. The previous owners of the station, whether through goodwill or foolishness, allowed the shuttle to dock. Tragically, their quarantine proceedures were unable to prevent the spread of disease majority of the station within a matter of days. At this point, Firebreak blockaded the station as well, scuttling any craft attempting to leave. In an act of hero sacrifice, the station governor vented the entire facility into the void. With the station emptied of live, it was short work for Sigmar Niji to claim it as legitimate salvage and refit it into the command center it is today.
Orbital, Station
Location under
Owning Organization

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