Severbless River Geographic Location in Kyre | World Anvil
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Severbless River

Strung along this river is a gift from Ryuna, a healing site known as the Jewel Spring. Travel upriver to this site has to be facilitated by the coastal town of Zesteulor because just before this river reaches the sea, it falls steeply into a cove.


Severbless is a river in a tropical rainforest, and the region it winds through is rather hilly.

Fauna & Flora

This river is home to many unique species of fish.


Travel to and along this river is almost entirely driven by tourism, especially to the Jewel Spring and the village around it, Paboto and to visit the secluded palace of the draconic clan that rules the Citrine Alliance. Getting people up from the cove to the stretch of the river that can be traversed with rowboats is an effort that is not worth it for any of the other rivers for several miles along this peninsula, so the region is heavily dependent on the business of tourism.

To begin one's journey upriver, you pass through Zesteulor, where the river drops down a cliff and empties into the sea. In olden days the only way up out of the cove was a steep road, but now the town uses mills along the waterfall to power a mechanism of platforms that can slowly but automatically convey small groups of people up and down the cliff. Zesteulor is often a destination of its own thanks to its cheery, calm atmosphere, but that's a subject for its own article.

On the edge of upper Zesteulor, there are a variety of boats one can rent or purchase passage on to go upriver such as a fancy ferry service or a more humble rowboat. These are usually headed straight for Paboto, but arrangements could be made to see other sites like the Citrine Palace or some villages that farm rare regional fruits.

Most routes only go as far as Paboto, which is still a few days travel. Multiple rest stops and trading posts line that stretch of the Severbless, which have rooms to stay in and often also try to make themselves memorable with some entertainment options for tourists. Paboto itself is small and peaceful, which prioritizes comfort of the unwell who are staying in the temples.

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