The Brazen Order Organization in Kyre | World Anvil
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The Brazen Order


The Brazen Order is an ancient religion, with origins among the mountain dwarves a few thousand years before the modern calendar. When the Khairas Verses were introduced, the order quickly spread throughout the ancient Dwarven clans during the second age of the Ereduarn Empire, giving them a sense of unity and prompting them to abolish the race and clan-based caste system from before.

In the year before the green moon appeared, when mysterious lights appeared in the sky and sent the world into a panic, the leaders of the Brazen Order prophesied the destruction of the world, and called for all of their faithful to congregate so they could be saved. Ten days before the Wake hit, they vanished.

Many in the territory of the old empire who ignored the call took this as a sign of their errors, and tried to continue the Brazen Order anew in their own parts of the world, creating many fractured sects. For generations, these churches developed and even went to war with each other over their interpretations of the Khairas Tome and other sacred texts. That is, until the Great Reforging, in which the modern Brazen Order emerged to settle the matter.

Mythology & Lore

The Old Faith believed that the gods shaped the world from the elements the First Beings left behind in their wake as they warred with each other. The gods crystallized from the blood of these beings, and set about shaping the world around them to their liking. A rift soon formed between the gods, so they warred and went their separate ways, some to make a home out of Mirala, some to roam the underplane as they pleased. Three, the goddesses of blood, death, and agriculture, stayed to tend to Kyran. While any of these gods can be and are worshiped today, the Brazen Order venerates the Miralan gods most of all, acknowledging the others only to call or stay their hands.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Old Faith
Subsidiary Organizations
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories

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