The Podos Species in Kelunbar Forest | World Anvil
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The Podos

Hostile, vicious, and cruel, the Podos are perhaps the creature you least likely want to run into here in Kelunbar. It is a great comfort that they are solitary and unlikely to seek out trouble, but trespassers beware.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Podos are deep red with no cap. Older Podos sometimes grow small appendages that are seen as signs of wisdom and power within the tribe. These are used to express and communicate emotions.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Podos are the only Mysum who don't have to wait until the Birth season to reproduce and their method is a bit different. Podos project their spores at high speeds to attack other living creatures. Usually this is a hapless forest animal who is then poisoned by these spores resulting in organ failure and death. The spores then grow and consume the victim over time. If another animal attempts to eat a carcass infected with spores, they will also die and be consumed by the Podos. The Podos will do this when they feel a need to reproduce, or use it as a defense mechanism when provoked.

Ecology and Habitats

The Podos prefer to stay where it is warm, and live anywhere in Kelunbar forest except for the mountains. Unlike other Mysum clans, Podos are territorial and do not migrate from place to place. The boundaries of a clan's land are clear and other creatures avoid it, if they know what's good for them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Podos consume animal matter, typically scavenging creatures that have already died

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Podos exist in tribes of about fifty to seventy, and are hostile to other tribes of their species. Hierarchy is completely dictated by age, with the oldest member of a tribe dictating group decisions and large issues, and occasionally settling disputes. Generally day to day activities are of less interest to them and the rest of the tribe is expected to handle this on their own.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Since the Podos are separate even from other Podos, their dialect of Kelunbar Common is a little bit unique to each tribe. The way all Podos speak has nearly evolved into its own language rather than merely a dialect.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Podos do not speak to other species of the forest and have no interest in it. They are highly territorial and if they feel someone is trespassing, will kill them immediately. Other species of the forest avoid them at all costs.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Based on: Podostroma cornu-damae
Mykel, Being of Death
Average Height

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