The Age of the Red King Document in Kathrir (old) | World Anvil
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The Age of the Red King

The Age of the Red King is a document that was found amongst the rubble of the Library of Akumasu. Sadly, the majority of the document was ravaged by rain and time, causing almost all of it to become unreadable. After a lot of time some interpreters managed to translate it into English, though the text really didn't make much sense. Many are still trying to get a more accurate translation that doesn't halfway sound like someone took autocorrect to a book of the ABCs mixed with gibberish, although none have been successful yet.


To preserve what was happening in this so-called "Age of the Red King". Sadly the document didn't hold up to the test of time. Most of the words have faded to the point of illegibility, and many parts are ripped or burnt. The words did survive are in a strange language that is very difficult to translate.

Document Structure


There is a cut off caveat at the bottom of the document saying "Do not divulge the contents of this document to anyone unless-". It appears that the page's tip tore and was burned off.

Publication Status

The translated document is currently held at the I.M.P.S HQ, where people are trying to divulge it's true meanings.
Art is drawn by me, made with Ohuhu Markers
Manuscript, Historical

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