Dafase, Queen of Kakkellel Character in Kakelel | World Anvil
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Dafase, Queen of Kakkellel (daf-a-seh, dæfæsɛ)

Queen Dafase SHavedosawkä Muthaka

Dafase is the queen of queens.
Elegant as a princess.
Regal as a king.
Most knowledgeable of all Kakelel.
Invincible, untouchable to her enemies.
Beloved, relatable, to the people.
Bathed in light, and bathes in it.
Has never been touched by the Judgment of the Day.
In her, Kakelel is free.
In her, Kakelel is one.

A massive hypocrite and liar.

Her life has been long given to Kakelel.
Kakelel has given her everything.
Kakelel has given her all power.
Kakelel has given her Kakelel.
Kakelel has suffered unspeakably at her hands.
Kakelel loves her with unspeakable love.
She seeks the spread of Kakelel.
She seeks the death of Kakelel.
Kakelel covers her.
The blood of Kakelel covers her.
Kakelel deforms her.
She is beautiful to Kakelel.
She is twisted.
She stands upright before the people.

She has long sought the destruction of King Mo Bufulpig
She has long sought the failure of King Mo Bufulpig.
She has long sought the extinction of the Helm wielders.
She has long sought the destruction of the Helm of Mo Misosach.
She has long sought the death of the Chronicler of Kakelel.
She has long sought the destruction of his Chronicle.

Now, the Chronicler is dead.
She desires that he never be remembered.
By doing so, she has ensured that he will never be forgotten.
She seeks the death of the newest helm wielder.
She seeks the destruction of the helm.
She will ensure her own demise.
She sought freedom in Kakelel
She seeks freedom for Kakelel.
She seeks freedom from King Mo Bufulpig.
She seeks Kakelel's freedom from King Mo Bufulpig.
She seeks Kakelel's freedom.
She is enslaved to Kakelel.
Kakelel is enslaved to her.
Kakelel is enslaved to Kakelel.

King Mo Bufulpig will subdue Kakelel.
King Mo Bufulpig will end Kakelel.
King Mo Bufulpig will save Kakelel.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and beautiful outside. Death and decay inside.

Body Features

Underneath her neckline, her entire body is covered in thick, inky, black, Kakelel, which will eventually kill her, if the Judgment of the Day doesn't do so first.

Facial Features

Major feature is the scar on her left eyebrow. Wide eyes, black, flowing hair. The crown which makes blood (and Kakelel) flow perpetually down her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Her dress: She is always robed in professional layers of light and darkness, light armor underneath a lab coat, with a cowl from her time wandering the Väväshachesh of Kakelel, wearing gloves and boots of darkness.   Above all, upon her head, lies the crown of Dänge-Hi, given to him by -------- after his rebellion from King Mo Bufulpig.  Above even that, she resides within the Ziggurath, never to leave, bound by blood to the throne of Dänge-Hi, and thereby forever bound by Kakelel to Kakelel.

Special abilities

Being bound to the throne of Dänge-Hi, she is bound with and to all of Kakelel. She knows all their thoughts, she controls all their wills, and knows them completely. The only ones she does not know are the Helm wielder, and those whom King Mo Bufulpig has set free from the Curse of Kakelel, the future helm wielder(s), and the future Enthroned.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears the robes of a scientist, who can hide her dedication to Kakelel. She sought out the armor of a soldier, to protect her and Kakelel within her from the Judgment of the Day. She kept the scarf of a wanderer.

Specialized Equipment

The aforementioned crown and throne of Dänge-Hi, nothing else really.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Muthaka, SHavedosawkä, Dafase. Queen of Kakelel.   Dafase was born in the south, in the town of Buboshuveshash, the place of united peace, between the SHadhä mountains and the Keb Oso, with the vast SHe to the south and west, beneath the Sawsesh of the western continent. Her mother was a teacher, renowned for her eyes and for her pupils. She fell in love with a very handsome biologist, and when passions were high upon the mountains, they created Muthaka. She was not planned, her father even called her an accident, but she was the pride of her mother, who doted upon her daily.   Her personality as a child was seemingly demure, she seemed to be nice, gentle, sweet, loving. But over time, especially as she hit puberty and entered school, she grew a deceptive streak a mile wide, manipulating others, learning their weaknesses, and getting others to do her bidding. She could seemingly sense the Kakelel within them, where it was most prevalent, and could almost sense its will. Through this, she got people to see things, to do things that they never thought they would ever, could ever do. And yet, the students loved her, they became her army for peace, indeed, they became her ever-loyal SHavedosawkä, Her peaceful student army, her inner circle. Teachers, other students, and principals quickly learned to love her or to fear her. At the age of 10, she also named herself SHavedosawkä, she was her army, and her army was the extension of her will. Whom she willed she brought low, whom she willed, she raised up to be near her. Those whom she brought near her were brought to her. Those brought to her, she knew. She knew, she conceived, she slaughtered. Those who knew her best were always at her beck and call. Those whom she knew best were her first slaves. Those whom she knew best she would use to free Kakelel. They gave themselves willingly to her. She gave herself willingly to Kakelel. She took, she gave, she ruled. She did not go unnoticed.   She was loved by many. She was hated by many. Those who knew her not gathered together to exile SHavedosawkä. They would forever regret this decision. SHavedosawkä left Buboshuveshash, the peaceful student army the place of united peace. Kakelel is free. Kakelel is one. SHavedosawkä was free. SHavedosawkä was one. SHavedosawkä was surrounded by faithful followers. SHavedosawkä ruled alone. Kakelel was one. Kakelel would soon be one. Kakelel was free. Kakelel would soon be free.   She and her army were sent to die in the Väväshachesh, waiting for the coming of the Judgment of the Day. But they managed, somehow, to avoid the Judgment of the day. She always knew. She continued to know. She continued to conceive. She continued to slaughter. She continued towards Mo Ze. She continued towards the Zigurath.   She desired that all of Kakelel's will would be Kakekel's. She desired that all of Kakelel's will would be her own. Kakelel was free, Kakelel was one. Kakelel wanted to be truly free. Kakelel wanted to be truly one. She knew there was one place where that could be. She sought out the Zigurath. She sought out the Enthroned. She sought out the robes of a scientist, a man who could hide her dedication to Kakelel. She sought out the armor of a soldier, to protect her and Kakelel within her from the Judgment of the Day. She kept the scarf of a wanderer.   SHavedosawkä entered Mo Ze.   They quickly gained the attention of one of the DHïdhïsawlïngath, the judges of the city, who took them in. She felt, she saw, she knew the Kakelel inside him, and began to use it to manipulate him. He became pliable, amenable to the will of his foster daughter and her army. He began to love her, to protect her, to promote SHavedosawkä. She knew, she conceived, she slaughtered. He shielded. Kakelel would never know. SHavedosawkä's influence spread. King Mo Bufulpig knew all of this. The Enthroned knew all of this. The Enthroned bid her come to him. She didn't leave the Zigurath. That day, SHavedosawkä died. That day, the Enthroned died. There must always be one Enthroned over Kakelel. That day, SHavedosawkä died. That day, Dafase was born as the Enthroned over Kakelel. That day, Dafase was pronounced Queen of Kakelel. That day, SHavedosawkä's rule began. That day, once more, Kakelel was free. That day, once more, Kakelel was one. Just as Dafase had always wanted. Kakelel was once more at peace. It was a beautiful peace.   The influence of SHavedosawkä continued to spread throughout Kakelel. Kakelel's influence spread among, within, and around Kakelel. None are exempt from the increasing influence of Kakelel. None are free from Kakelel. None were exempt from SHavedosawkä's influence. None were free from SHavedosawkä. Kakelel is free. Kakelel is one.   Now, SHavedosawkä's influence has spread to all of Kakelel. All Kakelel comes to the Zigurath to see her, to adore her, to perform her bidding, bringing their newborns, and children soon to be to help spread Kakelel. Now, the SHavedosawkä has spread to all Kakelel, and they are the enforcers of this beautiful peace. Now, the people are ruled by SHavedosawkä, and they love her. Now, the people are ruled by the SHavedosawkä, and they fear them.   Their children are dedicated to Dafase, who has given them this beautiful peace. They do as she has done. They do to their children as she has done to hers. Dafase's beauty is the beauty of Kakelel. Dafase's peace is the peace of Kakelel.   They bring their children to kill them. This is the will of Kakelel. This is her will. Therefore, this is the will of Kakelel. Through their deaths, Kakelel will spread. Through their deaths, Kakelel will die. Kakelel is free, Kakelel is one. Soon, Kakelel shall be truly one. Soon, Kakelel shall be truly freed.   When she entered the Zigurath, she never left. When she entered the Zigurath, she died. When she entered the Zigurath, she took the throne of Dänge-Hi She is now enthroned. She is now entrenched within the Zigurath. She is now enthroned over Kakelel. She is the slave of Kakelel. She is the ruler of Kakelel. She is Kakelel.


Very well educated, learned much from her time in Buboshuveshash, but now, as the Enthroned, she knows all that know Kakelel knows. Kakelel is in all, and none on Kakelel do not know Kakelel. Therefore she knows all that all on Kakelel knows. Their every thought, their every synapse, their every knowledge. What they know, she knows.   She knows about King Mo Bufulpig. She knows not King Mo Bufulpig. She hates King Mo Bufulpig. King Mo Bufulpig will be her end   She knows Kakelel She knows not how to be free from Kakelel. She couldn't care less. She loves Kakelel. Kakelel will be her end.   She knows about the Ends. She knows about the Helm of Mo Misosach. She fears the helm. She hates the Ends. She has never been inside the hall. She has never seen the inside of the Hall of the Helm. She has never seen King Mo Bufulpig.       “Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil.”


Quickly learned how to manipulate people. Gathered a great following from among both students and faculty to create SHavedosawkä. Led it to be the primary power in Buboshuveshash. Was exiled, and led her people through the Väväshachesh, to Mo Ze. Manipulated the judges of Kakelel. Killed the Enthroned Rules over Kakelel

Failures & Embarrassments

Failure to kill the Chronicler of Kakelel Failure to kill King Mo Bufulpig

Mental Trauma

Kakelel is mental trauma.

Intellectual Characteristics

Given she has almost all knowledge of and on Kakelel, she carefully plans the world's every step ahead of time. Given she controls all on Kakelel, she executes her will to perfection. Given she controls all of Kakelel, she controls the language and how words are used. She bends words like she bends wills. Her will is not her own, but Kakelel's Kakelel's will is her own. On Kakelel, her will is law. She will bow to no other king. She will bow to no other law.

Morality & Philosophy

(What is the morality and philosophy of abortion itself?)


Speaking against the beauty of Dafase. Speaking against the beauty of the peace. Decrying the practice of abortion. Uncovering the acts of SHavedosawkä. Working against the SHavedosawkä.

Personality Characteristics


The spread of Kakelel. The Freedom of Kakelel. The destruction of King Mo Bufulpig and all those aligned with him. The destruction of the Helm.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Knowing all of Kakelel, she knows everyone else, their weaknesses, their strengths, their proclivities. She is then able to use them all to her own ends. There are only three on Kakelel which she knows not, The wielder of the helm, Kakelel, and herself. All knowledge of Kakelel is hers, for she knows all that all those who know Kakelel know.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Kakelel, Kakelel, complete and absolute autonomy Dislikes: Anything or anyone who would impede her autonomy, especially King Mo Bufulpig.

Vices & Personality flaws

Self-confident, (which will lead to self-righteousness, foolishness)
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Queen of Kakelel
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen, Enthroned
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
12 Nungmächa, 599 4B
Circumstances of Birth
No strange circumstances.
Feminine, with vaguely masculine clothes.
Wide, scarlet, no pupils
Black, Long, curly, impeccable, can almost be used as a mirror
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
skin, crimson, spots of Kakelel across her body.
45 lbs (DHaKakelel)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Kakelel is free, Kakelel is one!" (Not originated by her, but used much throughout her reign).
Known Languages
Only one, DHaKakelel.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Study Azula from Avatar.

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