The Prime Revolt Military Conflict in Kaigan | World Anvil
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The Prime Revolt

While it had a slow start, The Prime Revolt definitely ended with a bang.
— Ernist Vonleu (Historian)
The Prime Revolt was the conflict between The Noble House of Aeswick and the common folk of Ae'Yul that eventually laid waste to The Noble House of Aeswick. The conflict lasted between 5127 AS and 5138 AS and hile the conflict lasted in total for eleven years, there are three major uprisings that can be distinguised. Between these uprisings, the country experienced relative peace for both sides to be able to rebuild and restock.

The First Uprising

The First Uprising, which lasted from fall 5127 AS till winter 5129, is also often called the Farmhand Rebellion as it were the farmhands who started the resistance. Many farming communities were dealing with another year of heavy losses due to a bad harvest and the farmhands saw how their employers struggled under the weight of the taxation by King Pergavin of Aeswick. Over the course of the following year many young boys and girls across the country bonded together and clashed with the tax collectors, who were also known as Rats among the Rebellion. One of the main ways the Farmhand Rebellion kept causing trouble was by placing ambushes along popular roads that tax collectors were supposed to visit. During the visit of a so-called Rat to a village, the girls often tried to gather information about the upcomming scedule and travels. This information was delivered to the next village by way of a Runner in order to prepare an ambush.   During the First Uprising most of the farmers kept themselves out of the fray, but this vision was not often shared by the tax collectors resulting in exta punishments for the farmers. Even though the farmers did not agree with the measures of King Pergavin, they did also not agree with the movements of the farmhands, often punishing them hard and making them work extra hours to discourage them from planning and executing other plans.

The Second Uprising

The Second Uprising is charactarised by the many skirmishes that erupted around the country. In the spring of 5130, only a couple of months after the end of The First Uprising, King Pergavin announced a tax increase that the farmers had not seen comming. While the harvest had not been too bad, it still wasn't enough to cope with the losses of the previously failed harvests. This time not only the farmhands rebelled, but the farmers themselves were just as bitter and formed several groups among themselves.   Riots erupted in many communities, making this Uprising more chaotic and uncontrollable. Attacks on tax collectors were common and The Royal Guard had to actively fight back as well. Official buildings and storage facilities got raided or destroyed by the hands of the people. The overall support of King Pergavil and other nobility decreased heavily and it took more than two years before peace had reclaimed the land once again. While the peace was fragile, both sides needed it to resupply and rebuild.

The Third Uprising

Also known as The Last Uprising, The Third Uprising started in spring 5136 AS, almost four years after The Second Uprising. It had taken a couple of years for both sides to rebuild, but the tension between the Noble House and the people of Ae'Yul remained. This strenuous relation eventually lead to the creation of a nation wide rebellion. This rebellion made the The Third Uprising more of a controlled fight than The Second Uprising was.   While The Third Uprising started similar to the previous two, it quickly became bigger and more organised. It didn't take long before the Siege of Trisza begain as many smaller groups across Ae'Yul came together under the expert leadership of Zigran Turoc. Most of the people who lived in Trisza had chosen the side of Zigran, mainly because due to the threat of Trisza's destruction which caused the siege to move towards the walls of Aeswick Keep. In the end Zigran gathered many magic users among his men and instructed them to blast Aeswick Keep with as many powerful spells as they could. A huge spectacle of magic energy signified both the destruction of The Noble House of Aeswick as well as The Third Uprising, ending The Prime Revolt.


It was never confirmed that The Noble House of Aeswick indeed died during the final siege on Aeswick Keep, since King Pergavin, nor his direct family, have been found afterwards. Zigran, together with various prominent people from different parts of the community, lead the rebuilding process and founded The Prime Council which went on to leading Ae'Yul for years to come.
Conflict Type
Start Date
fall 7127
Ending Date
Fall 7138

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Cover image: by Eallixy using Artbreeder


Author's Notes

Thank you for reading my article and I hope you enjoyed it! Likes and comments are always greatly appreciated and feedback is more than welcome :) Please do not share my work outside of the WA site or the WA discord without consent and please tag or notify me if you dropped a link on before mentioned platforms, thanks in advance.

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Dec 3, 2020 20:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm interested that no one from the noble house was found in the aftermath of the siege. This makes me suspicious that perhaps some of them survived.   Really interesting conflict - I can see why the farmers would revolt.

Dec 3, 2020 23:54 by Eallixy

Thanks for the lovely comment!

Dec 11, 2020 20:58 by Rafael Martin

A bit of a side-note but I'm really really grateful that you write "x years after___" right after naming the year so I don't have to do any cmputing myself to know how much time has passed. That's a really nice reader-feature :')   "Ending with a bang", indeed. I think we all sometimes wonder why they don't use more magicians in fantasy battles and whether they wouldn't be able to blast away the enemy. It's really fun to see a world where exactly that happens :D I wonder if magicians were more feared after the war by non-magicians?

Dec 12, 2020 15:48 by Eallixy

Thanks for the comment!