Viosti Profession in Iphars | World Anvil


Iphars is being reworked! Please bear with me!

The viosti is a profession that came from the other world and shortly lose all their work, leading them to having to change the work they do.

The other world

They have told countless times, to Melgent and others, about their work in the other world with an air of nostalgia. They were once, the engineers that kept the Blintah in manteniment. A vital job but that almost no one cared about, believing that the Blintah was able to work without having a group of Melgent doing mantenance. The truth is that the Blintah, without the mantenance work of the Viosti, would have break apart many thousands of years ago. Ipharians do not understand what they talk, Melgent do not care what they talk because they cannot do that anymore, the Viosti though, will keep that memory alive, of an easier time as even if the Blintah has broken into pieces, a new task has appeared for them. And the Viosti are the only Melgent left who know how the Blintah works, its dangers, and how it was constructed.


The Blintah is broken into two pieces, one more dangerous than the other and the other more delicated that the previous. But because they are apart, it does not mean Viosti are left without work. Well, yeah, maybe no one is paying them, but the possibility of destroying this world because the Blintah's part are away from each other is enough to make them work. Their main job right now is to discover a way of joining them once again without breaking any part. They have divided themselves in three groups, a control one, a Exter one, and a Parast one.

The new teams

The exter and parast ones are going to explore where each part have fallen and to evaluate the damage. The Control one are replicating the blueprints of the Blintah that they managed to save, evaluating what way would be more safe and better for joining once again the Blintah, and where they could get materials in case that parts of the Blintah have to be repaired or reconstructed.
Arcana engineering

Cover image: by Verti


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