Time in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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The Arza calendar is one of the most commonly used calendars to track time across the twin worlds. The Arza calendar was created in a time of peace and tranquility after the sacrifice of the Arza race.

The calendar, start a year after the last of the Arza died, with occurred at 1st of Drakon, 0 AC in the year of the Rat.

The Day roughly lasts 24 hours, a week consists of 6 working days and one day of rest, and a month has 4 weeks, in total 28 days and a year last 12 months.

A cycle of 16 years spins its fate around the world and is based on the great conjunction of all the nine planets at the start of the year of the Bear. Each year represents one creature, and the creature represented the year is reflected in those who are born that year. Those born in the year of the goblin might be smaller than usual while some might be very stealthy.

  Months of the Year
Month Season Associated Deity
Drakon Spring Fire, Neefa
Cretan Spring Earth, Tarok
Pontos Summer Air, Demari
Crux Summer Mardimor
Regor Summer Thunder
Ankaa Autumn Enialis, Water
Spica Autumn Leticia, Wood
Kotka Autumn Aether, Xeal
Lupus Winter Ionia
Serpens Winter Gabal, Spirits
Naos Winter Metal
Dios Spring Crimrogan

Days of the Week

DayTask (Terria)Task (Ianna)
SolarRest, ReligionRest
MerchantWork, Market dayWork, Market day
SoldierWorkWork, Parades
KingWorkWork, Celebration
NightWork, RitualsWork

The Cycle of Years

YearCycle of years
1185Year of the Bear
1186Year of the Troll
1187Year of the Harpy
1188Year of the Wolf
1189Year of the Wraith
1190Year of the Goblin
1191Year of the Dragon
1192Year of the Merfolk
1193Year of the Demon
1194Year of the Hound
1195Year of the Wyvern
1196Year of the Hag
1197Year of the Snake
1198Year of the Giant
1199Year of the Satyr
1200Year of the Rat
1201Year of the Bear
1202Year of the Troll
1203Year of the Harpy

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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