Iyassa Organization in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Iyassa is a large island in the middle of the Iyassian Ocean, surrounded by the first kingdoms. The island is very isolated, and through the time and the influence of the Iyassian Tree, half of its plant life is found nowhere else on the planet, both Terria and Ianna. By outsiders, describe it as the most alien-looking place on Imarand. The roots of this tree are what connect all the lands together. Large roots some even miles wide sprawl from the island through the seas and bury themselves miles and miles inland in the soil of the different kingdoms. To the inhabitants of Ianna Iyassa is a holy place, the birthplace of all the races in this world. And still to this day where every man, woman, or child can become the chosen to be the next king or queen if the old queen or king might die.   In a sense, the Iyassa Tree and the goddess Iyassia who gave her life to create this tree, are until recently the only deity on Ianna, worshipped only by the Gaians.  


Cities: Gaianyr, Shinsei
Special Places: Azuma Tower, Ceremonial Grounds, Ki Gate, Minami Tower, Oceangate


Gaianyr is the trade city; every race is welcome within its wall to trade, visit and relax, as long as they remain neutral. Al shops and buildings are owned and exploited by the Gaians, and no other race can become a citizen on the island. (With the exception off some wayward or orphan child, but these cases are rare.) Any creature that overstayed their welcome in the eyes of the island caretakers is brought to Ocean Gate and shipped off to an island of their choice.  


Shinsei is the spiritual center of the Gaians. The walled city is off-limits to anyone except those who are accompanied by the Gaians. In most cases, the king and queens of the kingdoms are allowed to enter the city. The city itself is one great temple and monastery, where the Gaians pray and serve the Iyassa tree. Small temples and shrines of the elements can be found within the city. With the portal to Terria in Braxis, small shrines of other gods have also appeared. Within Shinsei, rituals choose the next queen or king of a kingdom if the old monarchy dies. These rituals determine a worthy or necessary successor from those who made the pilgrimage to the island. Punishment is severe on those who dare to disturb one of the ceremonies.  

Ceremonial Grounds

These grounds located between Gaianyr and Shinsei. All manner of creatures make camps and put up tents, those who make the pilgrimage hope of becoming the next king or queen. Most of the time, these people spend their time trying to gain favor from the tree. Some try by spending the day in silence and prayer, and others try to show off the skill in arms, art, and whatever skill they might have.  

Iyassa Tree

The goddess Iyassia joined the primordials at the beginning of history and took on the form of a life-giving tree. For hundreds of thousands of years, the tree has stood there, releasing its seeds on the world, giving birth to the races of Ianna. The Gaians or Silvain, as they call themselves, said to be descendants of the 5 Maidens, where one of the first races to walk the face of Ianna and to become the care keepers of the tree of life. The tree itself is so massively large that it can make the sight of it can be seen days before one would reach the island itself by boat. And in the branches, different kinds of flowers and seeds can be seen, each carrying the promise of a new race.  

Iyassa Sanctuarys

The Gaians, give every creature born from the tree refuge in one of the different biomes the island has. The refuges are called Cardinal Forest (Temperate Forest), Shadeglen (Cold Forest), Menhir Hills (Hills), Salamander Bowl (Desert), Seacrest Forest (Jungle), Eastern Forest (Cold Forest), Azuma's Morass (Swamp), The Great Forest (Temperate Forest) and Numeadier Reefs (Coastland). Only care keepers of the biomes know the safe passages through the woods. These places on Iyassa are filled with dangerous, wild animals and unseen creatures, gaining their strength and finding their place within the world. Visitors are warned to stay out and not give in to their curiosity. Those who don't heed the warning are never to be seen again.


Azuma Tower

Azuma Tower is a lone tower that watches the coming of a new day. As soon as the sun reaches the tower, a bell sounds that can be heard over the island announcing a new day has arrived. Its sister tower on the south-western side of the island is the Minami Tower, there as the second bell sounds at sunset.  

Ki Gate

Ki gate is the Gate leading to the Iyassa tree, and large iron doors keep the people out. These doors can only be opened from the inside. As the gate is such an important passage to the tree, it is guarded by two garrisons at all times.  

Minami Tower

Minami tower in the south and doubles as a large lighthouse, granting safe passage around the cliffs and towards Ocean Gate.  


Oceangate is a massive port where hundreds of small and large ship van dock, the docks do have some storehouse, and defensive structures the docks are not in permanently inhabited. As most people live with in Gaianyr, on a 20 min walk form the docks.


The Pilgrimage of Birth

The Iyassain Tree is a symbol of birth and life all across Ianna. Many couples who wish to have children, but due to circumstances, such as race, sickness are unable to conceive. On the island, the couple makes a ribbon with two kinds of thread representing both the father and the mother. Once the ribbon is complete, the Gaians will give the couple access to the tree to tie the ribbon to one of its branches. If the goddess Iyassa smiles on the couple, a seed will grow on its branches as she will grant the couple a child.

Gaian Banner by Martijn Donker

Iyassa: Island of Rebirth
Religious, Divine Host
Alternative Names
Island of Rebirth
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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