Ivoryrest Settlement in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Capitol of the Merenam Kingdom.  
NG Large City
Corruption +1; Crime +0; Economy +5; Law +7; Lore +4; Society +2
Qualities government capitol, hardened, insular, military presence, strategic location
Danger +10
DEMOGRAPHICS Government Autocracy
Population 24,000
Notable NPCs
Queen of the Madilar Lira Tinarra Greyfury (NG female madilar aristocrat 3/sorcerer 2)
The Red Trader Iosio (NE male tiefling expert 10)
Captain Vanzar of the black ship Shadow Strike (CG male madilar rogue 12)
MARKETPLACE Base Value 10,400 gp; Purchase Limit 55,000 gp; Spellcasting 7th
Minor Items 4d4; Medium Items 3d4; Major Items 2d4

Owning Organization

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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