Inner Sea Geographic Location in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Inner Sea

City: City-State of Lyonesse
Around the Inner Sea lie the lands belonging to the city-state of Lyonesse. Because of the great port of Lyonesse, it is in constant conflict with Mag Mell over the seafaring commerce. Privateers can make a good living in these water as well as the occasional pirate


In the distant past, this was a part of a small troll kingdom. Throughout the hills and forests statues of trolls can be found frozen in awkward positions.


An island that lies within a Dwealmor. Although the island is said to hold many ancient treasures, very few people dare to go searching for them. The problem with the island is that the Dwealmor, that surrounds it, has become unstable and wild magic runs amok on the island. The only safe place on the island is a solitary tower on the southern cliffs. While the tower lays within the influence of the Dwealmor, it strangely seems to be unaffected by the magic powers. The only people who venture to the island have often urgent business with the tower and its sole resident. No one knows who the sorceress of Twoice is. Many have spoken with her, but none have seen her. Some rumors say it could be Cindel, the wild mage, from the ancient folklore. Those that come to the island to meddle with the wild magic of the broken Dwealmor, often pay a heavy price. Leaving the land scarred and altered, most of them have to pay the price of experimenting with their lives.

Wolfsrun Forest

This forest is widely known for its large number of monsters that reside in it. There doesn't seem to be anything of value within the borders of this forest, but it still attracts a large number of monsters. Types of monsters commonly found in Wolfsrun Forest are Ettercaps, Spiders, Dire wolfs, Ettins, Ogres and Hobgoblins. In the past, this forest was known as the Demon-Haunted Forest, named so because of some demons were summoned here ages ago. Now the demons are long gone, and the forest has changed considerably. Rumors say that within the forest there is an entrance to the dark below and around the entrance, a camp has been set up by the residents of the dark below to trade all kinds of goods with the intelligent monsters of the forest.


  • Inner Sea Region
Inner Sea Region
Coast / Shore
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