Wesdmed Ayend-Yany Geographic Location in Helnia | World Anvil
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Wesdmed Ayend-Yany

Wesdmed Ayend-Yany or it's common shortened version Wesdmed, is the main cultural region of Helnia named after the first to settle the area, Yany. The inhabitants of the region are generally refered to as the . The region gets it's name from the vast meadows that occupies it.

First Settlers

Wesdmed is believed to be where the first comes from, the cradle of civilization itself. The location has been settled by before history was ever written so little is known of the original settlers, where they came from or how they came to be. The general belief is that was placed here by the gods, according to the prophecy of Yenwyrd. All that is known is can track their family origin to the region.
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