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Green Hell

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"The promise of a New Land, a place to start anew. Gold, and silver, at platinum at the reach of your hand, no wonder why this gold fever state got so intense all through Cuaivar, especially amongst the desperate and the forsaken." Amael Strider. Human expedition planner, the year 2342 A.R.   "Like nothing ever recorded in the history of this or any other known world. Beatha has been called the Green Hell. The environment in that place is so harsh that even our finest weapons and tools won't last for more than a week. Yet, precious metals are just lying there for you to grab, and a week worth of mining easily triples the worth of the material and even life losses- The indigenous? they are just one more variable to take into account, as are the human pest and the Elven schmucks, nothing to really worry about" Burok Goldfist. Dwarf Chief Miner of the Incursion, the year 2342 A.R.   "Let those Human and Dwarven simpletons gloat over gold and silver. Beatha's real potential lies with in the knowledge we can exploit from such a place. During the few months of the incursion, we haven't been able to penetrate more than a few miles, and yet wonders keep revealing behind each giant leaf we move. Have you seen the size of those trees and vines? and the primitive technology developed by the indigenous? If we can harness a but a bit of the life lore they possess, we could have the power to end this absurd war once and for all."   "Political relations tenses between cnoc seangáins. The Duilleach's sing with an ominous voice. The Repose is about to end, and only the Iwis are aware of the danger. This time it must be different. we are bound to protect our younger siblings, but the Xarbiks cannot be stopped. And to make things worst, there are the newcomers. By the doctrine of the Focail Ciallmhar, we are bound to protect them, but I am dubious about the vibrations of their souls, or even of their will to credit our warnings" Daekirk Krtag. Iwi Cleric/Scribe, the year 99.964 I.E.   "For ages, the Iwis have buzzed and sang about the fifth coming of the Xarbiks, they told us they wouldn't come unannounced, and that we should mind the color of the Fae-gorm, when the mist in the forest would change its hue. And then, a few months ago some hideous looking two-legged monsters appeared in the forest, too many to have hatched or reproduced, with magic items producing orange tainted Fae-gorm. We fear about the larbha, we fear about Beatha. Buzzing in the forest sing about imminent war." Bziban Bzenti. Puawai Foodmaker, the year 99.965 I.E.

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