Cherubim Organization in Grandom | World Anvil
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The Cherubim are the servants of the The Father, and hate chaos, and so they decided to create their own organization, one focused on helping themselves, however the entirety of the Cherubim population become a member, making it the defector court of Cherubim affairs. It's pressing rivalry with the Seraphim was only heightened when they(The Seraphim) gained over 2.4 million new powerful Seraphim to their cause.


The Cherubim like structure, and so orginize themselves into nine sects, much like the seraphim, and each one has a diffrent purpose:   The first sect is the Angelic Core of course, made up of five Angels.   The second sect is the Curators, they collect much of the information that is used by the Cherubim for their experiments, or to please the Father. After this sect the similarities between Cherubim and Seraphim end.   The third sect is the Holy servants, they directly serve the Father, they are very respected and are some of the most powerful Angels in the entirety of Heaven because they are so close to the Father at all times.   The Fourth sect is a group of Angels determined to expand Cherubim assets, they are called the League, as they have three different sub organizations under them. The court, who argue in the Core for Cherubim rights to certain series, the marauders, who do the dirty work, and the nobles who keep these exploits out of public eye with their power, nobles often are in other sects at the same time.   The fifth and sixth are the takers, in charge of all Cherubim experiment's, they are called the takers for the amount of data taken from each experiment, far outstripping those of the Seraphim's creators, some contention has risen in the Angelic core over the usefulness of the Seraphim experiments if the Cherubim are able to do much more with theirs.   The seventh, eighth, and ninth are all combat sects, preparing if a war breaks out between Seraphim and Cherubim.


The Cherubim do not have many assets in the world besides their watery experiment centers, which although very valuable, very sparse, and as such their assets are limited. Their holdings in Eden are small, and since Heaven is the Fathers realm, it is very hard to hold stuff there. However these are a list of Cherubim assets;   P-110 to P-230   After taking over the watery portions, the Cherubim have gained control over the P series, one of the first series ever made, and as of now have at least five if not more successful tests. These look very nice on Cherubim repots, and are essential to the Cherubim's political power   W-1 to W-108   A group of water based creatures that imitate the M series, this was handed over to the Seraphim for two years (38 and 39) and in that time four tests were done, ending in a breakthrough in test 56, and the Cherubim gaining control over it once again.   A-1 to A-44   A more recent creation these are meant to transverse between water and land, information stolen from the Seraphim on the M series has proven useful, and this has already had conclusive results, and impressive feat, as most reach conclusive tests by around experiment 38, however this one reached it by 22.

Glory to the Father, may his light shine forever

Founding Date
Political, Confederation
Parent Organization

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