The Haust Hunt Tradition / Ritual in Ghiadum | World Anvil
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The Haust Hunt

Ilva caught one soldier gawking at a jerky stall and almost snorted. Pardian food was supposedly very basic, and since they were carnivores they could only eat the meat they hunted. They’d probably never had spices on their food before, considering they don’t trade with the Trentalvi.   “What... is that smell?” Ratimir asked. His nose was twitching excitedly.   “You probably smell buffalo. I don’t believe you have them in the Grasslands. Does it smell good?”   “Very.” Ilva laughed at the expression on his face. It was like a child being given their first bow.   "You arrived just in time for the end of the annual Haust Hunt."


The tradition began in the first years after the Valley's discovery and settlement. At first it was only a quick gathering in the city and then setting out for a week to bring in food; a more modest and solemn affair. Eventually, it became a time to meet old friends and celebrate a good hunting season. In the modern day, it has become a fully fledged festival that is incredibly popular among the new hunters.


The Haust Hunt begins on the first day of autumn and ends after a week. Dahl men and women from across the Valley travel to Dunstromm where the first part of the celebration starts. The streets are filled with small stalls that sell charms, weapons, and tools for the Hunt. The night before the Hunt, the contestants gather in the square to drink ale and brawl. The customary meal during this is turkey legs with tough vegetables to strengthen the hunters.   After a good night of sleep, they wake early to begin. Groups of ten or more set out in different directions to hunt game. Whoever catches the most game by the end of the Hunt wins a trophy to show off in their home during banquets. The furs and feathers of the game are taken by the hunters' significant others to be made into clothes, blankets, rugs, etc.   On the final day of the week, the hunters gather in the Council Hall to attend the Great Feast held by the Council. They choose a different Council member each year to be in charge

Components and tools

Hunters bring their finest weapons in order to hunt game. All weapons are allowed, from bows to spears, as long as the game is now heavily damaged. The strongest ale is served the night before the Hunt


A Council member is present at each part of the festival to ceremoniously begin the stages. The Council member chosen that year must also prepare the Great Feast for the final day when the hunters return.

From King Mstislav's journal:

"The winters are cruel in this new land of ours. Without enough food, my people will starve. I've decided to call a hunter from every family at the beginning of Haust to hunt enough game near Dunstromm to have a surplus during the harsh winter.
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Apr 25, 2018 13:21 by Kris Weavill

Hey there, thanks for entering the Festival challenge, be sure to share your article on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and any other social media sites! Remember more hearts (at the bottom of the page) increases your chance of winning! - GorgeFodder (World Anvil Community Team)

GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil
Apr 25, 2018 18:19 by TJ Trewin

Great narrative! Sounds like an exciting tradition :D

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