Skurja Species in Frantumare | World Anvil
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Skurja (Skur. Ya.)

Flame Scorpions in Iltarin. Much like other Lutum Fera, they possess a certain animal part on the person. A Skurja either has a stinger or pincers and depending on where they are located. The Anluan Twins, for example, Elenne Anluan's stinger is located at the end of her braid while Mishal Anluan is on his back.   Skurjas are agile in nature and depends on their stingers or pincers when fighting. Their poison is believed to be a mix of fire and burns their inside when injected.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

In the Anluan Family, males are expected to be the leader of the family, does not show weakness and do not do anything remotely 'unmanly' to their standards. This harbors toxic masculinity in the family, and causes many deaths among male Skurjas due to shame.   For the Females, they are expected to be the lady of the family, nothing more than a housewife and are told to stay home instead of going out. This forms an oppression to the women but none dared to say anything in the Patriarchal rule.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Skurjas uses Skarabou, a creole of Iltarin and Ejurin. Before Ejurin was completely banned worldwide, a Kholodnese Fera approached the Skurja for trade and accidentally mixed Iltarin and Ejurin. Prior to Skarabou's creation, it was only a Pigdin for the region until several generations later, it became a Creole after grammar is developed for the language.

Common Dress Code

Red is the most common color for the Skurjas to wear. Red symbolizes power, which is something the Skurjas wanted and also alludes to the color of red sky when Mount Daruta erupts.


Skurjas are native in the islands of Yogan, living close to the source of eruption and heat of Frantumare. They collect lava and consumes them daily to maintain the severity of their poison should they need to protect or execute someone. They are also known to keep dragons as mounts or pets since the species is native to the islands. Skurjas live in a hierarchy of Patriarchy, ruled by the Anluan Family for several generations.   Their existence came as a surprised to the whole world. There hasn't been any sort of evolution undergone for the species, nor the human appearance to them. Some believed they are the oldest descendant of both Humans and Feras, others speculated they are the lost race of Maerus. This is due to their species are the only ones able to tame the Tobitokages as mounts and pets.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths

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