Enchanting Spell in Four Skies | World Anvil
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Enchanting is one of the four original branches of magic developed by The Circle of Magicians.   Enchanting allows magic users to channel the energy through objects and talismans. This field relies heavily on the use of runes to imbue the item with magical properties. To enchant an object, an enchanter must open the channel, which requires a small amount of magic channeled through the body, but the body is not required to support the connection. After the channel is opened, it will remain open unless inhibited by other factors. By channeling magic through material goods, rather than the body, they avoid many of the risks associated with magic, therefore enchanting is by far the safest form of magic. Because the object holds the magic, it is also the most common and is capable of being used by those with no knowledge of the magical arts. Many households of any profession and status may have enchanted objects to aid their lives. However, over time or due to geography, the magic may weaken or become disrupted. Talisman and other enchanted objects must be regularly maintained, thus is has become the most economic driven form of magic as well. Many scholars of magic may fund their other studies through the sale and maintenance of enchanted objects.   Sub-disciplines of enchanting include defense/protection, material manipulation and illusion. Forbidden forms include enchanting of organic/sentient matter.

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