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Flanaess - A Temples Rise, A Demons Call

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In the great work of Gary Gygax, a Temple dedicated to the forces of Elemental Evil began its rise. Trying on two occasions to beat the forces of good and gain dominion over the land. In the same modules that gift us this info, a band of heroic adventurers answer the call to arms. Fighting through hoards of beasts, monsters, and evil men. But what if the Temple proves too much. What if, the heroes fail. This world is one where a Temple of no small power finds the light, and crushes it. Allowing a Demoness and a (mostly) omnipotent evil god raise their standing in the world. Stretching out over the surrounding landscape. Several settlements are razed and the infamous town of Hommlet is overtaken. The forces of evil even manage to ransack and destroy the great capital city of Verbobonc. My World takes place 5 years into the future of these ordeals. 5 years after the Temple of Elemental Evil tainted and took much of the surrounding landscape. Efforts were made to fight back and to preserve life. But the battle rages and the all of the Flanaess is in turmoil. Who knows which way this war of good and evil will go?

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