Abductor Profession in Faelon | World Anvil


The traditionalist tribes of Kandor are well known for their cavalry skills. These nomads grow up in the saddle and make great cavalry when the Ash Khan calls them to war.   Kandoran cavalry tends to be lightly armed and armored, capable of being highly maneuverable and covering great distances at speed. In battle, they use harassing tactics and their mobility to wear out their opponents before delivering a killing stroke with their infantry and undead warriors.   Kandoran Slavers use these same qualities to strike hard and fast at their targets, taking them by surprise. Slavers hope to capture people before local defenses can be mustered, and use their speed to put distance between their captives and their pursuers.   Both groups use a special type of cavalryman known as an Abductor. Abductors are highly agile light cavalry that is armed with a Spikedrakh and a lasso.   Abductors gain their skills herding animals in the deserts of Kandor. The nomadic tribes live between Lifewells, an oasis of water and greenery surrounded by the Red Rock Desert. The Nomadic Tribes, known as Nakhtalork - Tumbleweeds - herd many animals but are most famous for the Kurikher, which literally means Dry Cow in Symker.   These hardy desert cattle are the lifeblood of the Desert Nomads and are used by the tribes for everything from food to armor. Their herders become well acquainted with a lasso early in life, as keeping the unruly Kurikher in line is a round-the-clock job.   Those with lasso experience find a special place in battle; they are used to constrain especially powerful enemies to make them vulnerable to the attacks of their javelin and spear-armed comrades. Sometimes the careful throw of a lasso leaves an enemy unguarded and their brothers and sisters safer during an attack.   Slavers value the Abductor for their ability to snare targets on the move. Abductors are almost always a part of Slaver groups, and groups such as the Dusk Cartel, The Scorpions, and the Dust Storm pay handsomely for those with lasso skills.   The Abductor originally got their name from these groups, who prided themselves on being able to snatch people from horseback with little recourse from the victim or defenders. While not all Kandorans agree with slaving, the money offered by these groups is hard to say no to for young desert herders with very few other prospects.  


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