The Orb of Vero-Doon Myth in Ereglast, the Realm of Dreams | World Anvil
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The Orb of Vero-Doon

The Orb of Vero-Doon was once the property of a fortune teller.  It was a few thousand years ago that the seer, an elvish woman known as Vero-Doon weaved intricate and accurate tales of all who came to seek her knowledge.  The elvish woman became rich with gold and praise from her customers and followers due to her innate ability to accurately scry with the object.  Eventually, she became revered as a living god by a group of over zealous patrons.  Vero was wise, and refuted the claims of her godhood, but her patrons would not let it rest.  Soon word spread all over the realm of Ereglast of the woman who knew all and could see all, and of her all powerful orb.     Jealousy and greed filled the hearts of men, dwarves, elves, gnomes, and many other races of the realm.  How was this woman able to tell the future and give readings of palms and fortunes so accurately?  The power must lay within the orb itself.  In the wee hours of the morning, with a heavy mist of rain covering the cobble stone streets of Haifalls, a deadly hand of an assassin was filled with wicked gold.  A payment for the death of Vero-Doon and for the delivery of the orb.  Vero-Doon had scryed the orb that evening, and she knew of her fate, so she sat in her home, awaiting her killer.  When the man arrived, dressed in a brown tunic with a burlap cloth pulled about his face, Vero sat facing the door, the orb in her lap.     She did not try to run, or hide, it was clear that her fate had been sealed, and the greed of humanoids the realm over would see that she was released of her duties sooner or later.  She handed her killer the orb as he approached.  Then she felt the sting of a dagger in her belly.  As she sat there, the warmth of her own fresh blood streaming down her torso, legs, and the chair, she muttered though trembling lips a please.   "Orb, may you never find the warmth of another hand upon you.  May the minds-eye of another never gaze upon you.  No man, woman, or child should face this fate, be dealt this card, simply for having a gift.  My blessing has no become my curse, and as I move on, to other planes of existence, I pray that my orb never makes it to its buyer."   Vero-Doon passed a few moments later, and as she did, the orb, now held in the saddle bag of an assassin's horse, jumped and bobbed as the horse clattered down a dirty, dusty road somewhere on the outskirts of Haifalls.  As if reacting to her passing, the orb, unknowingly to the man who had stolen it, was flung from the loose saddle bag.  It rolled down the ditch of the road, and into the woods beyond, it has not been relocated since...or has it.   Many have heard the story and rumors of the orb and where it was lost be the assassin those many years ago.  Many have searched that road with a fine tooth comb, but no one has recovered the orb of Vero-Doon, or if they have, they are not speaking of it.

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