Yggdrasil Myth in Enga | World Anvil
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  • Other Names: The World Tree
  • Massive tree that spans all the known planes of existence. Its roots tangle among the many realms and connect them all. The branches of Ygdrasil reach into many worlds but are never seen by the inhabitants of the material worlds.
  • Recently, the World Tree appeared on Enga and has been visible there since. The branches phase in and out of reality, seeming to pass through other realms before appearing again.
  • Recently appeared south-east from the Godholme of Skali, its branches fading in and out of the world and spanning outward. The inhabitants of Enga speak in awe and fear or in reverence of the appearance.
  • The Hoyster Gothi of Skali privately sees it as a sign that the end times are coming.

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