The Scutum Album Organization in Enga | World Anvil
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The Scutum Album


Follows the same authority structure as the city of Toft .

Public Agenda

The Sectum Album are dedicated to the advancement and study of protective magics. With this research they also study and create potions to heal the sick and wounded, as well as strengthen and protect others.
  Every 10 years, each member of the Sectum Album must spend a year traveling the world and finding a place that requires their assistance. Once they have provided this assistance they can return to Toft. Most spend a considerable amount of time more outside the city before returning.
  They frequently work with the Bellum Divinos to defend the city.


Guildhall: The Gatehouse
  • The Sectum Album have taken upon themselves the responsibility to man the walls of Toft to defend it from attack and utilize the walls and The Gatehouse as their guild lodging and meeting place.
Magical Items:
  • Potions of Healing and many other purposes are available for purchase from the guild. Approaching any member of the guild and asking will get the interested part sent to the appropriate place (it changes periodically). Additionally, the guild specializes in protective rings and wands of variable purpose and type.


  • Key to the defense of Toft against the Jarldom of Akylli. Worked hand in hand with the Bellum Divinos to overcome their enemies.
  • Helped protect innocent bystanders during the Guild fight in 134-135 BA
  • Assisted the Council in capturing and containing Arnora Thok when she became a Lich in 447 BA. It’s an understood fact that if they had not helped, the damage to the city would have been more widespread.

“A shield for all Enga”

Founding Date
873 BB
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The White Shields
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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