The Nigrum Manes Organization in Enga | World Anvil
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The Nigrum Manes


Follows the same authority structure as the city of Toft .

Public Agenda

The mages of the Nigrum Manes study the “black arts” both in an effort to learn how to use these dark spells against others to further their own selfish or malevolent goals but also in an effort to identify defenses against their power.
  Despite the dark nature of their study, few members of the guild are outright evil. Most simply believe that the means justify the ends. All agree that mages are subject to persecution and have dedicated themselves to preventing another Scourging.


Guild Hall: The Cathedral
  • Little is known about the inner workings of the Cathedral. Externally it is known as one of the tallest structures in the city other than the Blue Tower. Rumor in the city is that they preform dark rituals and sacrifices to further there own agendas, but since there is no evidence of this, it remains rumor.
  Magical Items: Unknown.
  • It is assumed that a guild practicing or researching the dark arts would have some magical items that can aid their efforts. However, no-one has seen them, and they don't talk about them or sell any magical items or devices to other mages.

“Through darkness make right.”

Founding Date
870 BB
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Black Ghosts
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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