The Collegium Seniore Organization in Enga | World Anvil
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The Collegium Seniore


The Collegium Seniore is typically not concerned with rank or precedence. This is mainly because each of the members is typically a senior or high gandbera in there own guild before joining the Collegium.   Unlike other guilds, they choose their council member as the one that is most clear headed. This often results in the councilor being one of the youngest members of the Collegium.

Public Agenda

  • An older wizards from any guild can join The Collegium Seniore upon reaching 70% of their races maximum lifespan in age. The Collegium is primarily concerned with recording and retaining the knowledge that these wizards have gained over their life.
  • Due to rivalries between the guilds and colleges, they restrict access to this knowledge to only members of that elder wizards guild or college. This has resulted in the creation of 11 libraries to contain this knowledge and maintain separation. All the information is kept in hopes of a future where these divisions have been eliminated.
  • Note: Age restrictions are scaled based on race. Since some races live far longer, the 70 year restriction is for Humans, with an equivalent age for Gnomes (350 years) and Elves (700 years). Age restrictions are typically 70% of maximum lifespan.


The Catalog:
  • The Catalog is what members of the Collegium refer to when they speak of the 11 libraries of the knowledge of the different guilds. The catalog itself is the index of what knowledge lies where, making a search easier. Only the senior members of the Collegium are permitted to access the Catalog and then only at request of an individual guild.


  • The Collegium has existed from the beginning of Toft, founded by the oldest of the escaping mages when they fled Jarl Akylli.
  • The Collegium was the first of the colleges founded after the Great Scourging.

“To Preserve”

Founding Date
872 BB
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The College of Elders
Parent Organization

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