The Blue Tower Building / Landmark in Enga | World Anvil
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The Blue Tower

Purpose / Function

  • The Blue Tower was purpose built on order of the Council of Toft to house the 4 Collegium, provide a dedicated place for initiate training, safeguard all the collected knowledge of the Gandbera, and lastly to provide housing and protection for the mages of the city.
  • Built at the end of the Valley of Toft furthest from the Black Pass, from the tower, the Gandbera of can see the entire city all the way along the valley to the pass. It is a commanding view that affords the Council overwatch of the city and a place to govern from.
  • It holds the honor of being the tallest structure in Enga, with the highest floors rising to a level that it is almost even with the peaks of some of the surrounding mountains. This creates a unique situation where at times the user most floors of the tower receive snow even when the surrounding valley is in summer.
  • Underground, the floors are used to pursue any number of magical research and experimental spells. The lower floors contain a large number of “Warded Spell Rooms” that have been designed that once closed and “keyed” (that is to say magically enclosed and sealed from the outside world) are virtually indestructible and impenetrable. These are typically very large rooms to give space to prevent a spell from harming its caster. Rumors abound that some of these rooms have been permanently sealed, since the spells cast within unleashed horrors that the Council would not want freed.
  • Visitors to Toft have described the towers existence as proof that the Gandbera of Toft need to be reigned in or destroyed (“Anyone that can bring that into being is to dangerous to the rest of us!”) or as proof that they have good intentions (“It is obvious that they mean no harm to the rest of us, after all, why wouldn’t they just take over everything if they can do something like this”).


  • Initially, traversing the tower was done by stairs. This was, to say the least, not comfortable for anyone. After all, if you enter the tower and need to go to the Council Chambers (Floor 110) you will be walking up a lot of stairs (more than 1,900 of them!). For that reason, the Viatori gifted the tower with a magical teleportation system that is available on almost every floor. The system works by voice activation and can transport up to 10 individuals at a time. There are a number of these “zones” on each floor. The Council has the spell key to shut them down in an emergency, but in general they are open at all times.
  • Shortly after its completion, the Council devoted the lowest floors, basement levels 108-110, for “imprisonment of the magically dangerous, insane or malicious”, making the lower floors of the tower home to some of the most dangerous magical creatures, magic users or beings on Enga. It is unknown how many occupants there are at this time. Only a few are publicly known, at least to the wider population in Toft. It is unknown what event triggered this, though rumor say it had something to do with one of the council members, but no one is entirely in agreement what that even means. It should be noted that these floors can only be reached on foot, as the Viatori teleportation zones stop on level 105. Floor 106 is a designated magical dead zone, and enchanted to prevent any spell or magical use. Floor 107 is permanently occupied as a guarding force by Bellum Divinos and Scutum Album members, with the senior Bellum Divinos Gandbera present acting as “Warden” for the prison. Only a full council vote can order the freeing of a prisoner from this prison.


  • The Blue tower is just that. A massive tower made primarily of rock that is a slightly blue tint due to magical enchantments within it. It is, however, not a straight block tower. Parts of the tower rise higher than others, some magically float near to the main structure but only connected by rope or wooden bridges. Numerous floors open to the outside air, providing observation decks and many windows line the outer walls. Numerous trees and vine plants have taken root over the years, most prominent on the floors occupied by the Collegium Naturae, giving portions of the tower a look like a monolithic mountain forest. It is only because of the weaving of magical and traditional construction that the tower stands, otherwise it might collapse under its own weight or fall apart because of its design. The spells woven into the very fabric of it aid in protecting it from attack and even have a limited offensive ability to strike back at attackers.
  • The tower contains over 8 million square feet of useable space, with roughly 3 million square feet of living space for in resident Gandbera. This provides the roughly 7,500 residents with about 400 square feet each, though there are a number of larger suites and apartments for high ranking members.
  • The tower stands roughly 110 floors above the ground with another 110 floor below. Of course, rumors abound that the underground floors have the same strange construction as the above ground ones, meaning that there could be massive areas that no-one publicly knows about. But, like always, when it comes to Toft, there are always rumors, so the validity of these ones can’t be known. Only the Council knows the full story, and they aren’t talking about it.


  • 689 BB:
    In this year, construction began on the tower. It will be the enduring legacy of all those that came before us. A place to shelter us, a place to pursue magic in all its forms, safe from the prying eyes of the world. Here, we shall finally have a home.
    - Slode Bollis, Architect of the Blue Tower (42 years of age).
  • 623 BB: Construction pauses for 5 days during and following the attack by the Jarldom of Akylli. Most of the mages involved in the construction helped counter the attack, and took time off to recover afterwards.
  • 631 BB: Slode Bollis, Architect of the Blue Tower passes away at the age of 100. The tower is not even a quarter completed. Primary Architectural responsibility falls to Erp Vertlith (37 years of age).
  • 564 BB: Erp Vertlith, Second Architect of the Blue Tower passes away at the age of 104. The Tower is a little under half way completed. Primary Architectural responsibility falls to Fastulf Svartkoll (41 Years of age).
  • 525: Fastulf Svartkoll, Third Architect of the Blue Tower, dies during a construction accident at the age of 80. His body is not recoverable and is encased in the walls of the tower on the 19th floor, north-east corner. His son, Hrein Fastulfson (32 years of age) takes over as Primary Architect.
  • 469: Hrein Fastulfson, Fourth Architect of the Blue Tower, passes away at the age o 88. The tower is over three quarters completed when he dies. His apprentice, Bjorg Haefnir (28 years of age) takes over as Primary Architect.
  • 412 BB Construction Complete: Bjorg Haefnir (85 years of age), Fifth and Final Architect of the Blue Tower, announces to the council that primary construction has been completed. He reports that there are living quarters for 7,500 or more Gandbera and other than the Grand Library, room set aside for up to 15 other libraries.
  • 413 BB: The Council announces to the population of Toft that occupation of the Blue Tower can begin. Gandbera begin to apply for space within the tower.
  • 325 BB: Full occupation of the Blue Tower is completed.
Alternative Names
The Tower
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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