Aldr - Elves Species in Enga | World Anvil
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Aldr - Elves

The Aldr are the longest lived race on Enga. Aloof and mysterious, they avoid interacting with the other races whenever possible. Rumor in the Jarldoms is that the Aldr aren’t from Enga at all, that they are from somewhere else and that they are trapped on Enga until they fulfill some purpose or promise to the Gods. Whether this is true or not is unknown outside the great Aldr cities, but the Aldr remain a potent force in the world, when they choose to interact with it.

Basic Information


  • Humanoid

Genetics and Reproduction

  • New Aldr are created through sexual reproduction. Gestation is approximately 12 months from conception.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • The Aldr are effectively immortal, except for a physical or magical injury. Growth rates are similar to that of the Firar up till the age of 20 where they stop aging.
  • Childhood: 0-100 years
  • Adulthood: 101+ Years

Ecology and Habitats

  • The Aldr prefer heavily wooded, ancient deep forested areas. All three of their great cities are in deep forests that have existed for thousands of years undisturbed by Firar or other species. In these areas, and since they live effectively forever, they groom the forests into homes and buildings for their use. Thus they live in peace and harmony with the forests they call home.
  • Their cities are nearly impossible to find if the Aldr don’t want you to find them, largely, you have to be invited. They carefully guard the borders of their domains to keep unwanted visitors out. They often leave the bodies of the slain to rot, creating an identifiable border drawn out of the skeletal remains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

  • Vegetarian mainly, but do not look down on other races for non-vegetarian habits.

Additional Information

Social Structure

  • The Aldr are ruled by a king in each of the great cities, as well as an established noble class. Those that aren’t nobility or royalty are not treated worse, but tend toward labor in the cities. Labor in this manor is more about providing for others than working the fields.
  • Each citizen in the cities has all they need for their care, health and pursuits.

Facial characteristics

  • Delicate, bright eyes (in blue, green or violet). Long pointed ears, straight hair in black, brown, blond or red.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

  • There are three main Aldr settlements on Enga, one on each continent.
  • Some Aldr can be found in the great cities, though not many. Typically they travel in groups of no more than half a dozen.
  • The only area that has more Aldr than their cities is the Arcana of Toft, where they are involved in many magical studies, even leading some of the guilds.

Average Intelligence

  • Due in part to their long lives, they are above average intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Sight: Exceptional at a great distance.
  • Hearing: They can hear whispers like regular conversation.
  • Magic: Innate understanding, though not all learn how to use it.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Aldr true names are difficult in the extreme for non Aldr to pronounce. First names are typically 8-12 syllables long, with surnames that are twice as long. For the ease of outsiders, each Aldr chooses a name in the Firar tradition for use outside their own communities. To reveal their true name is a special thing outside of Aldr communities.

Courtship Ideals

  • Typically, the Aldr choose mates for themselves. Arranged marriages and courtships are extremely rare, except among royalty.
  • Marriages are typically negotiated by contract for a period of time. When you live forever, will call feelings remain so? Therefore, the typical marriage contract is for 200 years, and often is renewed multiple times afterwards. It’s rare when it isn’t.

Relationship Ideals

  • The Aldr are monogamous when it comes to love, typically loving only a single other Aldr (or rarely a member of another race). However, there is no expectation of sexual monogamy. It is rumored throughout wider Enga (at least in Taverns) that the Aldr have an insatiable carnal desire, and that their cities are essentially massive orgies. Of course, that is the rumor.

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Once invited, guests are treated with respect and safe conduct into and out of the cities. The idea is that no one may harm a guest. This extends so far as to not retaliating if attacked, at least not physically. If a guest attacks the Aldr, they use magic to restrain the attacker and often imprison them. This unfortunately, rarely works out for the attacker since the Aldr forget them, and they often die of old age before the case is brought before a Noble for review.

Common Dress Code

  • In their cities, the Aldr wear only as much as they need to to be comfortably warm. This results in most Aldr wearing little more than what is necessary to cover primary sexual organs. However, if there are any outsiders in the city, they dress as the guests would culturally, though often with their own twist.
  • Outside their cities they adopt the dress of the locals wherever they are. They disdain the idea of wearing soiled clothes and so often will just buy new clothes when the old ones are dirty.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

  • When an Aldr comes of age, Around 100 years old, they are allowed to go out into the world to experience it. As manias 85% of Aldr choose to spend some time away from the cities. Some spend as many as 500 years away from the cities before returning. During this period, the young Aldr may pursue any number of occupations to gain further knowledge.

Common Myths and Legends

  • The legends told in hushed whispers around Enga are that the Aldr are not from Enga. That they arrived from a world where magic died out and they fled its absence. Legends further say that the Aldr are stuck on Enga and cannot leave. That despite being able to magically travel to other planes, they cannot return to their home world. From the Aldr, there are no answers, so the Jarldoms have no way of knowing if it is true or not.
Maximum Age Unknown
Average Height
4’6” +2d10
Average Weight
90lbs x 1d4 (Height Modifier)
Average Physique
  • Androgynous and slight of build. Men and women are roughly the same size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
  • Pale skinned, rarely shades of tan. Partial to elaborate tattoo work as they get older.
Players selecting an Aldr as their Race use the following:
  • Ability Score: Dexterity +2/Intelligence +1
  • Age: 125-150 + 2d20
  • Height: As per article.
  • Weight: As per article
  • Speed: 30ft
  • Darkvision: 60ft, Dim as bright, dark as dim
  • Languages: Aldr, Common. Refuse to speak or learn Skratte.
  • Aldr Skill: Proficiency with Lon and Short Sword and Longbow.
  • Magical Understanding: Gain Advantage on all Saves vs Magic.
  • Otherworldly Beauty: Gain advantage on all checks with Charisma.

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