Garentha River Geographic Location in Elevear | World Anvil
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Garentha River

The Garentha River, located in the West of Elevear, flows from the north west to the sea in the south. Multiple towns along the river rely on it for food, trade and transport, though it is essential in the communications and trade between the elves of Emmerian and the Fea wild in the northern marches of the forest. the river flows though the forest and into a large lake that houses the largest fishing city of Lunte, which is the best place in all of Elevear to trade for powerful magical objects.   The river is also the only way to access Menel. A small clearing that is strongly guarded by a great demon of fire and stone that contains a vial of pure star light.   The river is also the widest river in Elevear, making it and the lake the river flows through a sacred place for those who worship Loniun, the goddess of fresh water and prosperity, guardian of the Garenth and sister to Tharin, god of good fortune and growth, guardian of the Thandin river that flows to the east of the Garenth.

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