Ze Character in El | World Anvil
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Journal of Ze, 1356

2 weeks before the ambush
  Silas has a plan to get the captured Gifted back. He wants me on the southern team with him and Thaleia.   I'm terrified.   Everyone else is brave, they are fighting for their freedom because they don't have a choice. I wonder if Silas would trust me if he knew that I chose this. My parents packed me a bag with my favorite meal for gods sake! Kymenos is good and safe if you are careful about your Gifts.   No one asks about your past here, not unless someone gives up their ghosts willingly. My ghost has snowflakes in summer and blue stoned bracelets.  
The night before the ambush
  My hands won't stop shaking, if I don't make it tomorrow I'm sorry for whoever has to read this. Send it to my parents.    

3 days after the ambush
Ze, I found this in your bag, I didn't look at any of the pages. I'm sorry I couldn't do more.   I saw you out there for a while, you fought like a storm made a home inside a person. You saved my life. I saw you face as you stepped in front of the blade, you were afraid, you were wide eyed and pale but you stepped in the way anyways. Why? I've asked you the same question for a few days now. You haven't woke up yet, even with my Gift I can't give you any more without you overloading. Please wake up soon -Thaleia

Physical Description

Special abilities

Lightning Gift

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ze is the child of Kymenic-born, Lith and Nyre-born, Hali.  Born in a small village in Kymenos. When they were 5, they visited their mothers home town in Nyre, where Ze learned about the fear southern Atherus had for those with Gifts. When Ze was 7 she caught a bad cold and sneezed a shock across her blanket, singeing the corner. Once her panic subsided she learned that Kymenos had different rules about Gifts.  Ze practiced for 2 years before her parents would take her outside of Kymenos.   When they were 15 Ze met Rhea, the travelling merchants daughter. She had beautiful wrists and made snowflakes out of nothing. When the merchant returned later that year he made no mention of even having a daughter. Ze's parents explained to them later that she got caught using her Gift to cool her father's produce for travel. They cried for a week after.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1337 GE 19 Years old
Current Residence
short, reddish brown
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: Ze


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