Temple Loyalists Organization in El | World Anvil
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Temple Loyalists

Temple Loyalists are a branch of the Atherus Temples built solely to deal with magic users who are commit crimes, either regular crimes like theft or by being unregistered. They are trained in combat skills by the same trainers that the King's Guard use, though to a lesser extent, only a minimum of 6 months.   Their orders are to either station at high population Temples or patrol a route up and down the main roads. The stationary Loyalist main duties are to deal will arrests of magic user and if need be guard them until a patrol team can be summoned to transfer to Derresi. The patrols when not transferring prisoners are to attempt to discover the location of any Gifted members ideally to lead back to their base of operations.   Due to policies strengthening the legal weight of the Magical Safety Act, Loyalist can gather information by any means necessary, though they have been orders to not alarm the public. This means they can freely detain and interrogate anyone suspecting of knowing the whereabouts of the Gifted outlaws or harboring a unregistered magic user.   A special group of Loyalists has a need-to-know task of acquiring magic users with useful abilities for Theocritus under the guise of a work program. Magic users that are charged with crimes, or would have been charge with a crime make up of the most of this 'work program'.
I knew nothing good was going to come from Temple men coming to my door. They told me they had a witness that saw me stealing, I've never stole in my life. They wouldn't tell me who the supposed witness was. They said I could work off my crime in a few months or spend a few years in jail. I figured work wouldn't be too bad, not like I had much of a choice. I was put in a covered cart with several guards and rode for a long time.   They brought me to a large house, a rat faced man seemed to own it. The first day their they took me to a dark windowless room and told me to fill it with ice. They told me cover the walls with ice. It wasn't until later that I realize no one had asked me about my abilities. From then on I had to regularly upkeep the ice room,even will the room being in darkness it was still summer. As time went on they had me doing more thing, building big blocks and little cubes and snow.   4 months in the rat man accused me of stealing a silver fork,I denied it, he didn't care. They locked me in my room, a bare place with a small bed and a fireplace that was never used, until that day. They made a roaring stifling hot fire told me I was to not put it out or they would start again. A few hours in that room and even tucked into the farthest corner I felt like I was burning. By the end of the day I was begging for them to let me out. He came and said he would but the theft would add 6 months onto my sentence. I knew then I was never getting out.
Religious, Other
Parent Organization

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